Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

2228 Visitor Messages

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  1. 'kay, Kyle, any day now...
  2. Oh-ho-ho, I see we're playing the Kilala again. (Who's actually also doing the Kilala... Hmm... This trend needs an official name that can apply to everyone who does it.)

    Evasive Posting? Anti-Anti-Anti-Socialism? Wait, I know.

    Being the person who isn't Vivi, but he's feeling how to play the part, yet still gets a few parts wrong, and so, thusly, he is not Vivi, as we have proved he is not very good at his role, and is a fraud, and this may potentially be too long a title for use, potentially.
  3. Okay, okay, I'm done prying for now. Latorz! *signs off with peace fingers thrusted towards you repeatedly*
  4. Spam....
  5. Of course, I'll try out anything you recommend. I've played a lot of different games, so I'm well-versed in many different styles.
  6. Are there any games in particular you'd recommend, Kyle?
  7. And then TWEWY... No, I'll buy that before the 3DS. Jelleh suggested it, so I must have it.
  8. And then a 3DS and KH:3D...
  9. Along with Re:Coded, Pokemons Platinum, Soul Silver, and maybe Black or White, whichever looks cooler.
  10. Enough money to hopefully purchase Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep...
  11. Of course, the money is the most important part of this exchange.
  12. I can also sell some old clothes, and other useless knicknacs.
  13. I'm planning to sell all my crap by the end of the summer, all the extra crap like yugioh cards. YES, I used to enjoy that crap, but I broke out of it years ago. I was so fortunate.
  14. It's also okay if you destroyed your disc and started a revolution, destroying all discs currently available on store shelves. That'd be pretty badass, actually.
  15. Anyway, how are ya? Are ya okay? Did you finish FFXIII, yet? I feel to need to continue bugging you about that. It's totally okay it you haven't, though.
Showing Visitor Messages 151 to 165 of 2228
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