More like I'm being humble about my knowledge in English. You don't bother and am glad that I am able to help you.
Does that mean I give too much compliment? (too much credit). The problem is that I really have endless questions and you give perfect answers^^ I know I bothered u really but what am I supposed to do , this is my job and I have to do it well
You give me too much credit. English is one of my least favorite classes. My friend is very well learned in English; he is thinking about teaching English as his career. No problem.
You seem to be expert in your Language and it really doesn't go with (English has never been my subject of stydying unless your a genius anyway ,I like your explaination and I'll reread it more than once thanks .
While does mean a period or interval of time; it could be a long time or a short time. For example if I were to go on vacation for a month, I would tell my friends that I would be gone for a while. That is when while would mean for a long interval of time. Example 2: if my mom told me to vacuum and I say in a while because I was currently occupied, that time while would mean a short amount of time since I would do the task in the same day. While depends on contextual clues as to how short or long the period of time will be. In the example you used, "I will be away for a while". That could either be a long or short period of time. It could be long because your schedule is very packed that you won't have time to socialize for a long time. At the same time it could be that you are just getting something to eat for lunch therefore it wouldn't be that long before you return. To expand on its use I'll take your example and add to it to give you a contextual clue: "I will be away for a while because I am going to eat lunch". It doesn't take a person a whole day to eat lunch, probably around a hour, so I would have some clue as to how long you will be in hiatus.
It's my first time to know about OST , but I got the idea of it .. Now while I was reading your previous VM I stopped by (every once in a while ) . what does that mean ? when I use while to refer to the time , doea it mean long time or short time ? . like when you say : I will be away for a while ?
I'm doing pretty well. I got Final Fantasy XIII's OST yesterday; I decided to get it because I've been listening to other FF OST's while playing Final Fantasy XII. I have most OSTs for the FF series; all I have left to get is for: Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy III, & Final Fantasy XI. In case you don't know what "OST" stands for it means: Original Soundtrack; which can be for a tv show, a movie, or a videogame. Work has been pretty good as I've been getting more hours.
Oh.. I do not know what to say , but thank you so much for such great help .. Yeah I got everything you said ...pretty clear now about (followed it ) sorry ( I messed up and my mind gets ahead of my fingers )I forgot to put (I) , I meant how nice It would be If I followed the way you people are used to when speaking English^_^ thaaaaaaaaaaanks alot again how are you ?
Don't be too hard on yourself; I am not trying to learn a second language or partially know a second language. Your sentences are complete, you just may not know the best word to be used sometimes in parts of your sentence. Another example: when you said, "that it must be replaced with other one...", "with other one" is not proper. What would be the correct way to say what you meant is "with another one". Also with "or my sentences are incomplete...", that should be "or are my sentences incomplete". As for your last sentence I'm unsure what you are exactly trying to say. What I am most unclear about is when you say, " and how it would be nice if followed it right". I think I got it down as to what you are trying to convey to me: that it would be nice if I followed my everyday conversation [while typing I presume, since that is when I told you I mess up often]? As for the "if followed it right" part of your last sentence, I believe you are trying to see if what you said is right and if that was your intention then they way to end that sentence would be: "if followed, right?".
Amazing ..... But you have to cheer me up since I realized how much it needs me to practice my language ... anyway , do you mean that I don't choose the proper word in my sentence that it must be replaced with other one ( speech-said) , or my sentences are incomplete , or both ? If I'm not wrong , you refer to what's familiar in your everyday conversation and how it would be nice if followed it right ?
The "occasional hiccup" is that you mess up every once in a while. Example: when you said to me, "and about being late to respond I already did get your speech very well", "did get" you should be replaced with "got" and while "speech" does work the word "said" would have fit more nicely. I mess up often as well; my mind gets ahead of my fingers while typing and I forget to put a word into my sentence to make it complete.
(occasional hiccup ) that's what I'm asking about , and about being late to respond I already did get your speech very well I'm fine , thanks ... it's just few days and I will get back to work , I hope I will enjoy and everything will go right .
Well I had explained that somehow I had missed a VM you sent me which was why I took a considerable amount of time to respond. How have you been?
I thought that coz you took a bilt long to answer me , and I do not think you're ignoring me either coz u seem good to me ^^
It is polite. I don't see why you are sorry about asking, tis nothing wrong with that.