Conversation Between Darkdragoon and Unknown Entity

165 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha, thankyou for reading. ^^
    I used to go to an all girls school. I'm at college now, so it's mixed. =]

    Pizza is kickarse! ^^

    Btw, I've not made your banner yet! It is coming along - as a matter of fact, I found an image to use. I'm just tired, had a long day of walking around. ^^
  2. Lol, i red you journey ^^ Pretty funny
    So you go to a all girl's school?

    P.S. hell ya! I love pizza ^^
  3. Okies, sure thing! ^^
  4. Yes i need a banner for my new club. Kinda like the pet zone but... For catz XD
    It's called catz club
  5. You know, I was going to ask if you'd like one. >>;;

    I still make them, yes. =]
    Would you like me to make you one? I can have you one for... tomorrow evening. I'm about to go to bed now, and I'm busy in the morning.
  6. You still making banner's?
  7. Im gonna get more later
  8. Ok sure, I'll take a look. =]
  9. got the pic's on my album's ^^ if ya wanna look at me kitty
  10. Im gonna go take some pic's right now...
    Oh crap... dont want to wake my parent's up XD they have the cable for the camrea in their room XD
    By the way im 12 if you didnt notice XD
  11. Yea lol
  12. Cute? =]
  13. Yep ^^ he's really really really...

    well you know...

    I'll try to get some pic's of him on my album's.
    But he like's chewing on your finger's ^^ It doesent hurt but... It tickle's lol
    Then when im sleeping he get's on my face, strech's, then sleep's like a little baby ^^ sometime's he'll just scratch the hell outta of my face lol. then when i was playing final fantasy... Uh... god what's it called... the one with Vaan and bunny bitch fran. Anyway's i was sitting in the gaming chair, he climbed up it, jumped, and dug he's sharp claw's into my back...

    Sorry im a bit talkitve XD maybe cuz i have no friend's XD
  14. Haha, thankyou! The little fella is hardly a puppy anymore, even though I love to think of him in that way. He'll be 9 in November. ^^

    I heard you have a kitten? =]
  15. Like your puppy ^^ really really really...
    6 hour's later...

    Really really really really really... Cute... god... almost didnt finish that...
Showing Visitor Messages 151 to 165 of 165
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