Conversation Between Alther Primus and Fate

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    Spider Mastermind:

    I will!
  2. Haha, the third ones sounds most interesting. x3 Sure, I'd love to see some pictures. =D

    Show me if you make something! =D
  3. The Cybie is the worst of the bunch, but he's rare, try these!
    A skeleton with HOMING missles and a heck of a punch!
    He'll burn you, but that's not important, because he'll RESSURECT DEAD MONSTERS!
    A brain in a quad-pod (or something, 4 mechanical legas anyway) with a plasma gun. Nasty.
    Spider Mastermind:
    Arachnotrons came from somewhere, right? Hi mom! It doesn't have a plasma gun so thank heaven for small favors. Instead it has a super-chaingun. Crud.

    Want pics of these?

  4. Heh-heh, sure, what's the best you've got? x3
    Well, I used a Photoshop one, but I found a GIMP one as well if you wanna see: CLICK
  5. Actually they come out in little cubes that teleport the monsters in.
    Wanna hear about MORE nightmares?

    Cool! Mind linking me to the tutorial?
  6. Haha, the last one must be HUGE, then, if it spits out the first. xD

    I tried to make a stamp. =3 First one ever made (with a tutorial, of course).
  7. They are hard to fight.
    The Cyber (1st image) takes 4 hits from your best weapon to wipe out, and it takes 40/300 ammo per shot! So... Also? you generally get OHKO'd by him.

    Fatsos: Careful dodging, while pummeling them. Careful though, they'll take out a HUGE chunk of health if you misdodge.

    Icon of Sin: Spits out any monster you can fight, including Cyberdemon. 'Nuff said.

    And those are only a FEW nightmares!
  8. Are they hard enemies to fight or just tough-looking? x3
  9. The DooM series!
  10. What game are you getting all these things from? =3
  11. Try this!

    It spits out monsters to attack you!
  12. Nah, the sheeps in FFIX were the most fearful. xD
  13. Try a Fatso with Fireball launchers for arms!

  14. It's a freakin' hourglass, beat that. XD
  15. I have no doubt of that,but is it as awesome as this?

    Image not even CLOSE to scale.
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