Conversation Between Alther Primus and Ralz

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  1. And you spit on his honor in vain.

  2. And...?

    I AM DVC!!!!!!
  3. A second ago, you totally gave props to Kefka.

    GIVE BACK DVC!!!!!
  4. Sephiroth is still my favorite FF Villain!
  5. How could you, Alther? How could you become so drastically different...

    Granted, I like the new you better because you hate Sephiroth, but...
  6. *Ahem*
    I heard that you lied to VMM, so...
    *Kills you*
  7. 7. Emo? Pass...
    9. Well... they could work together...
    11. I was thinking about KH awhile ago, but then I thought that probably wouldn't be too good. Days was kinda close to this, anyway.
    12. Zack > Cloudo. Cloudo would be a vegetable if Zack didn't save him.
  8. 4. Same
    7. I'd rather see Vincent.
    9. Would she play differently than Kain?
    11. I'll agree, Pre-Roxas Axel was awesome!
    12. Cloud is an improved Zack. 'Nough said.
  9. Oh, yeah!

    4. I just want a lot of characters.
    7. Just Tifa, and maybe Cid. They weren't completely hopeless. And she kicks ass when you hack her into KH2 as an ally. ^^
    9. But she's a Burmecian dragoon!
    11. Who said I hated everyone in FFVII? Reno is like Axel, which makes him awesome. (To be technical, Axel is like Reno, but you know what I mean.)
    12. Zack is different from Cloud in a lot of ways. (Cloud gets Braver, but Zack gets Costly Punch which deals 99999 Piercing Damage. ^^)
  10. Thank goodness for the FF Wiki!
    2. Yep!
    3. Hmmm
    4. Well I was following 4-to-a-game, but it COULD be expanded to 6-to-a-game
    5. Yep!
    6. See above, might make a neat bonus though!
    7. you... LIKE someone fromm FFVII!? *world ends*
    8. Yep!
    9. I think, IIRC, she's a dragoon, so, wouldn't be to similar to Kain?
    10. Again.
    11. You like... ANOTHER FFVII Character? *Universe ends*
    12. Why would you want two characters who play EXACTLY the same? >_>
  11. 1. Already taken care of, Alther. All three of them are in the game/
    2. Leon, yes....
    3. I'd be interested in Xande, as well.
    4. I'd like to see Ryida, too. Or maybe Edge.
    5. Definitely Gilgamesh, and maybe even Galuf!
    6. Locke... Setzer... and definitely Celes. ^^
    7. Probably Tifa. For a slut, she can kick ass.
    8. Rinoa and Seifer. Rinoa like casts Meteor on everything.
    9. Now that I think on it, Freya would be great, too.
    10. Yunalesca would be interesting, as well as Seymour!
    11. I'd like Reno. He whacks everything with his rod.
    12. I'd like Zack, himself.

    Like it.
  12. Here's who I think (off the top of my head):
    FFI: WoL, Fighter, Chaos, Garland
    FFII: Firion, Maria, Emporor, Leon
    FFIII: Onion Knight, Viking, Xande, Cloud of Darkness
    FFIV: Cecil, Kain, Golbez, Zemus
    FFV: Bartz, Lenna, ExDeath, Gilgamesh
    FFVI: Terra, Locke, Kefka, Setzer
    FFVII: Cloud, Vincent, Sephiroth, Rufus Shinra
    FFVIII: Squall, Rinoa, Ultimencia, Seifer
    FFIX: Zidane, Vivi, Kuja, Necron
    FFX: Tidus, Auron, Jecht, Yunalesca
    Bonus Characters:
    Shadow Lord
    Costume Characters (Characters in the form of costumes)
    Zack (Cloud outfit)

    I dunno any others.

    What do you think?
  13. First off, that would be the best sequel ever. I would like:

    Lightning fromm FFXIII. <3
    Kain from FFIV.
    Vivi from FFIX.
    Rikku or Auron from FFX.
    Possible Noctis from FFXIII.

    As well as more arenas and themes.
  14. *Really wants to get Dissidia*
    BTW, I'm hoping for a Dissidia 2, what would be your roster in it?
  15. Its worth every penny.
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