Conversation Between Ralz and Ethan Blitzball King

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  1. That's why I brought my trusty deactivator. *activates, the cannon shuts off*

    Rikku - Aww... but we can still catch you with this net! *brings out net*

    Run faster.
  2. O_O Ralz we have 1 shot at this lets get it right
  3. Rikku - ETHAN!!!!! I've dumped Auron, because he's mean. I WANT YOU!!!!!!!

    *shoots cannons*
  4. O_o Crap Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
  5. ...Sure.

    Look out, Yuna and Rikku have a new plasma cannon.
  6. Who cares I wanna play again like we used to
  7. Are you sure they won't oppose you?
  8. Lets continue on our adventure
  9. Yep I do
  10. Got a thread?
  11. Yeah there is now I am a part of it
  12. But, there's no bad side...
  13. OMG I have absolutley no intention of rejoining the good side of CoC
  14. I'm sure.
  15. I have things I gotta do so I am busy
Showing Visitor Messages 151 to 165 of 987
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