I hoped it would! I do love making things seem irandomly made! ^^
I thought gay people would be the exact opposite of goth. O.O However, your big circle of WTF? works for me.
Emos are too gay, and goths are too emo. Gay people are too goth. I have thus created the circle of WTF? ^^
I would hope no more die soon, but you never know. T.T RANDOM QUESTION TIME!!!!! Emo/Goth - Cool or not?
Well, I doubt I can get any farther, as I kind of live at least 10 states away. I guess it all depends on personal preference, you dislike him, I find him amusing. Anyway, here's hoping no more celebrities 50 years old die within the next week!
No! That guy is made of plain creep! You need to stay away from people like him.
I think he's pretty funny, especially in his commecials.
He scares me!! *hides under bed*
Ozzy Osborune might be worried, although, he's so high he probably doesn't even notice.
I wonder who will be next. O.O I'm telling you, it's a celebrity assassination! Patrick Swayze may be next since he has Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer. I'd hope not though. =/
He... died? Man! Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcet, and now BILLY fricking MAYS!?
They have to get done somehow! ^^ Did you have lunch yet? Oh, remember when we were talking about commercials and Billy Mays? He just died. O.o I think some type of celebrity assassination is going on.
Woke up a couple hours ago, but I'll soon have to do chores. LAME!
Heh, it has. T.T I've been good. I've been reading a bunch of manga online, and before I know it, it's already 1 A.M. Right now I am playing my Visual Novel for Clannad. How about you?? ^^
How've you been? It's been a while.