Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Ladon is just a guest, really. (Though I have ideas for him in the sequel.) And beyond that, he seems like the physical type who wouldn't bother with runes.

    If nothing else, Nova has the multi-target thunder runes, so even if Dimitri only has the single-target versions, this could still work out. (I can change Valkyrie's Kirin Flight to be thunder-elemental as well.)

    The gravity is just an extra thing. Don't forget that Ralz is pretty proficient at it, as well. (I expect Ethereal Judgment will only work on so many enemies.)
  2. Elyon fits better for the Light element yes, But Thunder shouldnt be forgotten, Just give it to another character, You could always create an Optional character for the game, But thats not seriously as cool, Perhaps we can change a normally Plot character into an actual character by some point. I could see Ladon use Thunder runes.

    As for Dimitri, He suits best with mastering Non-elemental or gravity types of spells.
  3. Eh... I've been thinking, again. (On a roll, or just can't decide?)

    Maybe I should bring back the light element for Elyon. I'm regretting letting it go, as it will seem rather unusual for Elyon to have thunder for this game, then light for the next one with no real rhyme or reason. "Gameplay reasons" is just an excuse.

    So, I can change Dimitri to thunder elemental (as I'm comfortable with everyone else's elements as they are.)

    How does this sound?
  4. Wow... that sounds REALLY similar to what happened to my computer. (It was a Windows 7 as well...)

    I hope it's not AT&T. (They suck, lol.)

    Couldn't you use in-game models? Or maybe you're going for authentism?

    Okay. (Though by the Moveset, characters don't have many more skills to learn by that point. Oh well, we can give grimoires out earlier than they'd be normally in the actual game.)

    Keep on keeping on.
  5. Im having Windows 7, Generally it is good and working, And the internet worked for awhile, Then it went really slow and i tried figuring out what to do to fix it... But alas... I never found the answer.

    I do have an idea it could be that my current Internet's company is having system problems, Which i'll eventually call for support sometime.

    Anyway, For the game's demo, Yes i do plan to eventually release another one, But im needing the sprites right now, And i cant do anything until i get them, And i would plan to include a few dungeons, Bosses like the other ones, But it'll of course be different this time and with new movesets for both characters and enemies.

    Techniquely, Just a refreshed up version of the old demo, And nice idea Ralz, I was tired of the; Start at Level 99 concept, This time, I'll have the characters start at Level 50.

    Nevertheless... It wont start out big, Who knows when Meigumi is done with the sprites even, Im getting quite restless, I am searching for scripts and music now in the meanwhile.
  6. So, uh... are you making another demo? (I sorta kinda maybe lost all the Chaosthroph files when my computer died.)

    Well, no rush. But if you do decide to make it, what would you implement?

    Personally, I'd give us a dungeon to level in (we'd start at 50 or something.) Maybe some interaction with NPCs, complete some quests, get a feel for what synthesis (synthogen) will be like. Maybe even have it take place somewhere in the real game, at some later part of the story.

    And release it to the public. The more feedback we get, the better the final product can become.
  7. Okay. I didn't know it was so bad. Dare I even ask what kind of computer you have?
  8. Well the music is building up soon to a collection... But urgghhh... Downloading 5 pieces each day is just so slow... Even more with a bad Internet right now...

    But i'll survive, Im 1 music piece from downloading the Town Themes.
  9. Ok, I'll look forward to that.

    Ooh, it's that bad, huh? o_O
  10. Ah its fine, I've found some other nice pieces as well, I'll leave up an Text Document you can read so you can know my impressions on the musics we got, But this'll take a while, Not because my computer's internet is crap now.

    But because i can only download like... 5 music pieces each day...
  11. Alright. I actually have Far Away Journey on my PSP, even after my previous computer fiasco, but I lost Isumi's piano piece, sadly.
  12. Right, After your latest PM, I've decided to list up all the music you suggested alongside mine, The Custom ones, And the ones which are in the demo in different categories, We can discuss once i can sample up everything.
  13. Ok, just wanted to make sure.
  14. Nonono, You can change the difficulty mid-game or anytime you like. Assuming im going to use "that" script.
  15. Yeah. By the way, is the difficulty inter-changeable? What I mean is... can you play a bit on Normal, then switch to Hard if you find it too easy? In-game, I mean.

    Or is it the kind of game that inforces a single difficulty throughout the whole game?
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