Conversation Between Dodie16 and SuperSabin

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  1. Oh, that was definitely a tough battle. It's not a good place to be on the receiving end of those shot locks.

    And I think I read it. Did you update a while ago? Might have to go back and refresh my memory.
  2. I'm still not beating xeanhort in terra's body haha and yeah, that happens to me too, whenever i feel all gamed out i'd watch a movie, anime, or find amusing internet videos, and I also pic edit from time to time.

    speaking of other activities, have you read my latest pointless story chapter yet?
  3. Yeah, that'll probably help. I remember going through a ton of healing items when I went through the final battles in Terra's story.

    Yeah, I know the feeling. But it's good that you're keeping yourself occupied pretty well. I'm trying to finish up some games that I keep putting off, but I'm kind of getting burnt out on gaming...
  4. Yeah, i'm at level 33. I can take on the bosses but i'm lacking things like once more ability, second chance. though i probably would be able to win with more healing items.

    I'm doing fine myself, just feeling a bit lonely haha, but i'm managing to keep myself entertained. i'm on msn and some people chatted with me but they're busy doing something else lol.
  5. Wow. You're really speeding through the game. As for me, I'm doing alright.
  6. so how are you doing tonight? i'm close to beating Terra's story, stuck on xeanhort 2nd form.
  7. Nevermind, i managed to beat him before you gave me the tip lol. thanks for the tip though. On critical mode, he can kill you in one combo with that thing he does where he rapidly slashes you in the air.
  8. Doing Shotlock and having a bunch of ethers to refill the gauge is what I had to do when I went up against Zack. It's a tough battle though, even on standard mode. I can't imagine what it's like on Proud.
  9. Yeah thats true haha. The creature I was up against that I was having trouble with is, get ready, The Root Of All Existence. Hows that for a final boss?

    EDIT: Ok i think i need your help again haha. How do i defeat zack when hes controlled?
  10. Well, that's good. Glad you enjoyed the ending too. I hate it when you play through a game and the ending is kind of meh, but I suppose when that happens I should think how the overall game was instead. Kind of one of those "It's not the destination, but the journey that counts" type of things.
  11. I did it dodie, I finally beat Ys SEVEN! The ending was well worth it too.
  12. Ah ok, gotcha. I started the game as Terra, he looked the coolest so I picked him. I already lost my first battle haha (it was the glowing orb things).

    EDIT: I am liking the game so far, its better than I expected.
  13. I kept all the save files separate, just in case I wanted to go back and play the characters again. Also, when you finish a character's story, the game tells you that you should just start a new file for a new character.
  14. thanks for the info, when i go to choose characters, should i make separate save files or can i play all their stories on one file?
  15. Once you get passed all the tutorial stuff, you'll be taken to a character selection screen where you can choose whose story you want to complete first.
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