I am... But enough of that, make sure they're epic!
I'm no drug hound! *Sniff*
Don't worry, you may have been high all along. =O
Should of told me that earlier, I'm high as a kite!
Very useful, those pots... But remember Vivi, use pots, don't do pot.
True, very true! I have the Magic Pots to help me!
Yeah, annoying, but still much faster than doing it the normal way.
I'm using it, I level up around 15 level at the beginning, then it slows down to 2 level during the level 90's
You'll do it. Remember the Exdeath leveling trick.
It's not exactly genius, just a idea I had. Thanks though, It's really hard at the moment, but I'll get there. Damn I have too many people to raise!
So you'll face the heroes against the villains, and then face the villains against the heroes? Genius.
Hehe! I'm raising both because it's going to be 2 fights, Hero vs Villain, Villain vs Hero... 6 fights in 3 parts!
Do mine first since it's ready. Anyway, wow, that sounds fantastic, really, it does!
I knew you would like the idea, I've got Tidus and Jecht level 100 I've got Zidane level 100 and Kuja level 91 and I have Onion Knight on level 19 and COD on level 1.
Great! That sounds exciting! I can't wait!