No joke! Free pair! ^^ Maybe the guy can't sell a sword from the bowels of Hell...
What!? You're joking! And guess what? The Levantine can't be sold for money...
Oh crap! You can steal a pair of Santa's Boots from the new kid that appears in the newleywed house in VR Expel!
I HAVE to see it! I MUST! Use something with multiple hits on them, to keep them stunned until they explode. It took me two Gale Somersaults to kill one, so it should take you one.
I doubt I'll see it. Clouds are starting to move in... Alright, finally got the two Battle Suits, and with the Seraphic Garb, even if its up to those Dream-whatevers, I'll have good defense. BTW, would Helmetbreak work, too?
Perseid Meteor Shower! Once a year! It was yesterday and tonight! Look for it!
Rising Dragon + Gale Somersault = DEATH to all ground enemies.
No, Tear Gas is still the most powerful. With proper power-up, it can deal over 150,000. By the way, look up at the eastern sky late evening and you might see the Perseid meteor shower!
See? I told you Rising Dragon was awesome! ^^ I just proved with Rising Dragon... you don't even frikkin' need Tear Gas! I just further broke Chisato!
I just found something! Use Gale Somersault 200 times and it should hit the enemy five times for immense damage with an incredible speed! Now, use Rising Dragon 200 times and it should only lag for a while, but once it gets going, it should hit the enemy about eight times for immense damage with great speed! So, first use Rising Dragon for eight hits in like two seconds, follow it up with three normal kicks, and finish that up with an instant Gale Somersault for sixteen hits of about 6,000 damage each, all under seven seconds! That's almost 100,000 damage! Chisato is awesome!!
Ooh, defying logic as usual I see... It specifically says HOLY Sword Farewell, but I don't mind. As long as it can't be absorbed, than I'll definately use it! ^^ 1900 ATK? Good, as least long enough till I get Laevantine... can't wait!
The Holy Sword Farewell has no element, I checked. It has 1900 ATK, and 70 DEF, HIT, AVD, MAG, as well as 15 CRT.
Here. It's for the original, but the names are very similar.
What did I blacksmith those with again?
Er... I'll need to look into this. You could always customize your weapons with certain minerals to get really pricey weapons. The Emprezia stands for 390,000 Fol and the Shield of Algol sells for 234,000 Fol and the Shield of Athena sells for 338,000 Fol.