Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ethan Blitzball King

258 Visitor Messages

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  1. What arses would call you that? What do you mean, tell you what happens? You mean, in London?
  2. Yeah I got Pissed and yeah I miss home a lot I want you to tell me what happens please
  3. I suppose homesickness hurts...

    You were called a dog?
  4. Yeah I already miss London I met a few people who liked FF I told em about this site and they didn't respond the US is weird the way they talk is different I have never been called a dog before
  5. Yeah, the US sucks. You're originally from England, right? Who'd you meet?
  6. Well I am in the US soo I guess I could be better I am a Transfer student I hate it but I met a load of people today
  7. Are you okay today? No problems?
  8. Ok sounds good you can make your own too I won't mind
  9. I'll post in it often, as long as more topics appear in it! xD
  10. Oh highly honored Emperor of Black Magic I am ever so grateful for you joining My SG it pleases me to no end
  11. Well Welcome second Prince of Blitzball Fate beat you to first sorry he and I discussed this last night
  12. YEAH! xD
  13. But do you want to serve in the Blitzball kingdom?????
  14. Being a prince makes me a prince.
  15. Call him what you want I don't take sides wanna be in my Blitzball kingdom???? fate wants me to make you a prince as well
Showing Visitor Messages 136 to 150 of 258
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