Hey , how are you doing ?
woooow Yes Yes Mr genius actually the events of the novel take place in Britin I believe that's what I was looking for , they are definitely correct , I really tried to look them up myself but I found myself lost among so many different words having the same abbriviation. You were of great help indeed Thanks alot Zargabaath.
I actually had to look those up as well because I was unfamiliar with them and for good reason. If what I found in my research is correct then those are [mainly] British acronyms. DI stands for Detective Inspector. WPC stands for Woman Police Constable. FME stands for Forensic Medical Examiner.
hello , okay I'm reading a novel where I couldn't get some abbreviations like DI , WPC and FME , those people are in a police station but I failed to get them, would you please help me to know who they really are ? To get exactly what I;m asking about : "Can I speak to the DI?" "The FME will be here in few minutes" "What a mess " said the wpc. now what's all that about ?
No that was an error on my end. I misread what you said. I thought you meant that you had already asked me a question(s). What you said was hadn't I missed your questions as a form of greeting then proceeded to ask me a new question you had. The would have to be used in either situation. The is an article - definite article to be exact - which is used to denote the person or thing under discussion, implied, or familiar.
uha ,you know it's too hard to know the difference between some prepositions coz they seem too much alike and both might be possible with some words . about the , I thought you might comment on it when used with hospital . I was trying to figure out the meaning of your previous VM , why he asked me to clarify the question while it was obvious , and I think I misunderstood the using of the word miss ( haven't u missed my questions ?) appeared to be meaning that I wrote them before a while but you missed them ( didn't notice them ) , but the meaning i want the word miss to show is : weren't you expecting me to rain u by lots of questions . am I right ?
Either works. Both convey the same message. In some cases, in the hospital may be taken in a more serious tone, as if the subject has been admitted into the hospital for some cause. While at the hospital could mean the same thing it also sounds less serious as if the subject is merely visiting a patient or some other business. For the most part they are interchangeable and saying either would probably bring the same response since it is the same noun [hospital]. What about the?
hahahah , Yeah I meant What should I use when speaking about hospitals : is it in the hospital or at the hospital ? and what about the article the?
I didn't get any VM from you regarding "at hospital" or "in the hospital". The last VM I got from you was when your family and you went for a drive into the countryside. The driver was new so you guys got lost during a stormy day. So if you would, please send that question again.
Hi Hi Grey guy , haven't u missed my questions ^_________^ ok , at hospital or in the hospital ?
I hate these moments when sth critical happens and everyone is panicked , hehe but it's good to have jokes in these moments , like we and my family went with our driver out of the city , because he was new and not used to places we got lost in a stormy day , when I say storm make sure I refer to dust which was like fog in your country ...I was really freaked out and we saw nothing in front of us but fog ...So I started to say ..today we have a journey to th silent hill ..they were noding their heads and laughing , but we got home safe and sound ^^
lol. I remember one day in 8th grade the lights in our school flickered then quickly turned off and the fire alarm went off. My friends and I joked that zombies would start appearing from the lockers. It was during winter on a pretty cold day. I didn't have a jacket on me so I was out there with a t-shirt; it wasn't too bad as the cold doesn't bother me too much.
Hahahha , thanks for making me laughing , I'm spending this night in my older sister's house , they have gone to somewhere and want me to take care of thier kids , they have slept already but hehe I couldn't sleep since I'm not home , just not used to be out , besides the hous is tooooo big , and when you're alone at night in a house as big as a mansion ...heh you just remember resident evil remake...
I'm doing pretty well. My girlfriend is being a little troublesome. And for some mysterious reason, ants are collecting at one spot on my carpet. It's as if they were a scouting party. I have vacuumed them up twice.
How is it going ?