Conversation Between GypsyElder and Pete

169 Visitor Messages

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  1. aha!! ty ty ^^ I love that game it's the shiznite~~
  2. Oh hell yeah, you get cool points for liking Toejam and Earl!
  3. true (!!!)
  4. Somebody's gotta be the voice of sanity around here
  5. That's right!, you "Lifer/ Rabble Rouser" you
  6. Shenanigans are a way of life. without shenanigans, there's really not a whole lot for me to do around here.
  7. True! what's with those Shenanigans.... Silly, silly
  8. The people that friend you and then disappear after saying 'hey' once also suck.
  9. I probably only go once or twice a week but I do stuff at home too :]
  10. yeah i'm in the gym at least 3-4 times a week, and then im always playing some kind of sport
  11. sometimes I think I should be obese. Thats why I have the Gym
  12. haha you sound fat but you def dont look it!
  13. ahahah!! classic :3 yeehh barbecue! I must sound fat I'm always talking about food hehe!!
  14. haha thanks. I really wasn't going for that look, but I'll take it. I was carrying some charcoal during my barbecue and didn't want to put the cigar down. lol
  15. I like that Popeye pic of you in the PYP thread you look just like him.
Showing Visitor Messages 136 to 150 of 169
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