Conversation Between Alther Primus and ViviMasterMage

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  1. Oh, I completed it and made a load of different characters and played a load of online battles. Do you go online?

    Of course you can't! I'm sorry I ever insulted him or voted for that idiotic Zack. =/ What was I thinking, huh?
  2. Soul Calibur is pretty good.

    Ah, well... can't deny you there...
  3. It's been fine! Just been playing Soul Silver!

    I just allowed him to budge me. All this time I've held back just because of my friends but he looks awesome and his Masamune... it's great! I don't have a unhealthy obsession but I will admit that he's my favourite villain now.
  4. Not bad, yours?

    ... ou, all of a sudden, have gotten an unhealthy obsession with Sephrioth i see... *edges toward phone*
  5. How has your day been?

    I mean! The fight at the end... amazing. I've watched it a million times because he is awesome. God, orgasmic!
  6. You're welcome!

    ... Yeah... He is pretty rockin!
  7. Thanks a lot.

    I give Sephiroth a chance and now I admit that he is the best villain ever! I rewatched Advent Children and he is just amazing! <3
  8. BTW: Happy easter whoever you are!
  9. I like Sephy as well, but the ViviMastermage I know HATES him!
  10. I love sephiroth... Love... Sephiroth...
  11. O.o
  12. Making a I <3 Sephiroth banner! <333
  13. 'Sup?
  14. 'Sup?
  15. its going great just waiting fro him to get on
Showing Visitor Messages 136 to 150 of 799
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