Conversation Between Alther Primus and Meigumi

461 Visitor Messages

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  1. Now, where to begin...? Umm, eenie, meenie, miney, moe, catch, a tiger, by, the toe.....

    (*lowers rock* H-h-hey, I said I'm sowwy..... ^_^)
  2. *Begins chuckling darkly*

    (*Eclipses the sun*)
  3. I think he's gone. Well.... time to get busy. *crack knuckles and walks towards flooded desk*

    (*hides under rock* Sowwy...... >_< Don't hurt me....)
  4. ...

    (*towers over you*)
  5. H-helllooooooo?

  6. ...

  7. You're a bit quiet, aren't you? >_>

    (You're a bit quiet, aren't you? >_>)
  8. ...

  9. Why not? D: I just realized this pile of WIPs will kill me! Here, I'll provide you my own gun.

    (*more gloom and sad faces are inserted here*)
  10. Nu!

  11. Yo, Al.... Do me a miracle here..... Shoot me until I'm dead. :'D

    (Mhmm, probably more than a month or two..... I feel like.... a sore thumb.)
  12. What?

    (??? ...)
  13. *fists ground* Why........? TT_TT

    (Sure, it's good being odd sometimes.... but it just make me feel a bit strange. When was the last time I talked with another girl on the forums....? >_>)
  14. Cool!

  15. *drinks* Ahh, great. Now I can finish up Ralz's little present, fix a scan, draw main menu faces for Elyon's new script, and finish sketching this poster so I can paint it..... Aww, man..... >_>

    (Glad to know.that we're kinda on the same level. >_>; I don't really like to be the odd one....)
Showing Visitor Messages 136 to 150 of 461
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