Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Arghhh... Well the compilation is complete... Now im just thinking on how im supposed to send all this music over to you... Mediafire just isnt the same anylonger...
  2. FINALLY... Done with your compilation... Its so damn taking on my energy... I be starting with my compilation tomorrow... It wont be big... AT ALL, But i'll have it done, Along with my comments.
  3. Whew, Almost done with your Music Compilation now, And i'll start with mine afterwards.
  4. I'm going to make a document for us to discuss what I have so far. I'm no longer sure if anything I have right now will "work."

    I'll compile it all in the coming days.
  5. Dont be silly Ralz, You're doing good from yourself, Its just have to find an interesting base to begin with, And im honestly not sure which version of the story is, But if you dont have a copy of it, I can send one to you if you like.

    Im not good at convincing, But your better than you think, I really wanna take this short here, I've had a really tiresome day yesterday, So tiresome in fact that i didnt have time to check the internets.

    If you're being feeling exhausted, Thats understandable, I suggest you should take a few days off, Now, Im saying this because i know how hard it is to make stories and characters, But one cannot work if you're not peace with ones mind.

    Dont worry, It'll work out eventually.
  6. Well, those were my original reasons. (One of many which failed.) Actually, in more recent versions, there is no Shira, only Demi, with his own confusing reasonings. In fact, now I have no idea what we should shoot for. All I have left is Dimitri, who will become a party member, so he's not the true villain.

    In fact... what version of the story do you have? I've changed it so much, I can't remember all my previous failed ideals. I've sort've stopped caring about the villains, as I'm trying the make the main characters individually strong, while also making their motivations sensical. I never liked the idea of a surprise main villain. I always want it to be the one you've been chasing all along. But with Dimitri, how is that possible? There was a time when I envisioned Elyon as a silent protagonist, and through dialogue options, he acted as the player's avatar in this world. Still a concept, I feel.

    I suppose I'm just no good with villains. Maybe you can come up with something. But he has to have connections to Chaosthroph and have a reason for using the Nexus to end all life.

    I'm just not good at any of this. It'll be a miracle if the story's not laughed off the stage in it's present form.
  7. Sounds awkward when you put it that way, So he simply hates humanity for his own reasons? And what would those reasons be?

    ...I really think you should make Shira a more inspiring villian, With a deeper meaning in his actions, Maybe even a time when even Shira was; "Human" or anything by some point, Or should Shira remain as an extraterrestrial?
  8. That's mostly the idea I had in mind. But instead of an anti-hero, he's just a misguided soul who thinks what's he doing is for the greater good. Even if it's obviously not.

    Also, he sort've hates humanity, that or his time on Chaosthroph was REALLY crappy.
  9. Hmmm, Not doing much today it seems, Just being working around, And listening to some of the musical themes, Which somehow encouraged me to learn more of the term of; "Anti-Hero".

    Antihero - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I always like to read some facinating stuff, "Knowledge is power", And something motivated me into reading more of this peculiar "Anti-Hero", Generally, I would consider Shira from our coming game to be an Anti-Hero, He/she does bad things, But for the sake of greater good. (In his/her own image of it)

    Generally, Shira is just a corrupted manifestion of its own pity, Reading that from the latest of your story document, Which makes me wonder...

    Whats your impression on this Ralz?
  10. It seems like I can never please myself. This time, I'm going for more interaction with the characters and building stronger relationships.

    Alright. To be honest, I just YouTube searched games I was familiar with, but hadn't played. It was really luck that most of them turned out to have good themes.

    Looks nice. I like the star theme in the comments.
  11. I see, Well... Good luck with the story, We'll be needing a great one, And... How many times have you rewamped the story now? It feels like you've writed the story around 5 times now, Not getting satisfied with your results? xD

    Anyway... But i must say you got a good taste for music, My compilation wont be NEARLY as big, Likely because im lazy, And dont know too many games, I'll just add a random set of music I LIKE, We'll be discussing once this is done, And we PROBABLY... Will have enough music when we're done, Quite likely.

    EDIT: Updated my profile yet again, And this time, I might actually be satisfied with this results, Looks pretty good.
  12. I did try to cover every aspect. (And now that I'm working on a story outline, I've found even more places to insert themes.)

    But for now, I'll hold back and see what comes of this.
  13. No, I havent even started getting the Dungeon Themes, Downloading 5 pieces takes time, As your compilation was pretty big
  14. Lol. Are you even at the battle themes, yet? xD
  15. Yet another 5 pieces today... Damn... This is gonna take awhile... And this is YOUR compilation, I have yet to search up MINE.
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