My idea was to expose clowns to high amounts of radiation, causing them to become deformed and luminescent, and then replace every single source of light besides the sun with them, hence saving the world from further pollution due to coal, oil, and other pollutants used as power sources. And Asians, since they have the ability of flight, can replace airplanes. White people, since they can breath underwater, will replace submarines, and midgets will replace night vision goggles and owls, since they can see in the dark.
Yeah, that's an excellent way of putting it. By the way, have you ever heard my idea for luminescent clowns?
He's not Fate, he's Feyz, and yes, he does seem to figure out the crap that I'm saying, although sometimes he asks if I'm being sarcastic or not, so I guess he doesn't fully understand. It's a lonely society for people with weird thoughts that seem almost as if they're on LSD every second of every day.
I don't have any crazy calculations. Everything I say makes sense... to me, at least. It might not make sense to other people, but it's not my problem that other people aren't me.
Yes, I'm tired of Dr. Egon Spengler, and I got tired of that old avatar of Dr. Egon Spengler. And Feyz wanted you to call me Adam because since I'm a Canadian currently living in Delaware, it's only logical that my name is Adam.
But if you stop time, yet time is flowing at the same rate for you, that would mean that you would age quicker than everybody else.
Only technically, but it's worth the risk, right?
What if somebody electrocuted you, and the electric shock caused you to sit normally for a millisecond. I think if you do that enough times, it would count as sitting normally.
Maybe if you sit normally, your super powers will awaken. Perhaps the unusual sitting is causing them to be dormant.
Maybe it's not really autism. Maybe you just have a dormant superpower. Maybe you should look into that.
But if you believe that the drugs work, shouldn't the placebo effect cure you? It works with average sicknesses, and it worked with Lance Armstrong's cancer recovery.
I heard autism comes from the medication given to babies directly following birth. Perhaps crack is the solution. I don't know how it would work, but it could under the right circumstances. I'm not exactly sure what those circumstances are, but that's not really my problem. Anyway, it's not like I'm telling autistic people to do crack, but if they wanted to, they could. Anybody could. I could. I don't want to, but it's an option.
Yes, certain things confuse me, like why I think the way that I do, why my mannerisms are the way that they are. Things like that, that can only be found in the subconscious part of the mind, where I can't seem to remember any of them.
Yes, because the truth comes from realization, and once somebody realizes that he or she doesn't exactly know who they are, they actually know more about themselves. It's a vicious, confusing circle, full of violence and confusion... and circles.
I have a theory that nobody can possibly fully understand me merely for the simple fact that I don't fully understand myself. But if I know that I don't fully understand myself, that means that I understand myself even more, because there are people out there who think that they know who they are, but when they look deep within themselves, they have no idea, so by admitting that you're a mystery even to yourself, you're being honest to yourself, and therefore, know yourself more than you may think you do.