Conversation Between Tiger Lily and Doc Rocco

148 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hafnium it is, then. Haha. xD
  2. Good! You conform. Maybe something with a lovely letter aitch in it? And not a haitch? Silicon and Nitrogen are already taken though. But that doesn't matter, seeing as though you have so many protons, anything before Yttrium is impossible. Maybe some nice Hafnium?
  3. Aw, crap. Well, as long as I can get past Nobelium I guess I'll be okay. For the less-than-two-minutes I'll have to live. D=
  4. I hate to say it, but you really have no choice in the matter.
    *Shoves a great deal more electrons and protons into Lily*
    You now have so many, you'll be lucky to make it back to Yttrium!
  5. Hey! I don't want to be rearranged! D=

    (On the bright side, I now have a good few more notes than I did before. Hehe.)
  6. Teeheehee! Isn't this fun? Soon ALL of TFF will be non-carbon based!
  7. Hi Lily! I'm just standing here, doing nothing. Dum dee dum...

    *quickly rearranges electrons, runs away and waits for something to happen*
    Bleachie made me do it! Yeah, that's it!
  8. You shall not test me! Test Bleachie! She's made of Nitrogen! That's more reactive!
  9. I love the new sig/avatar set! Go POTO! Boo to TPOM!
  10. Ooh, Silicon based life form. YAY TEST SUBJECT! =P
  11. Helloooooo! Message for you! Thanks for the Auto-Life!
  12. Thanks for the bomb. Biology shall die! >=D MWHAHA!
  13. I'll give you a note. And a bomb, to conquer anything Biology. =D
Showing Visitor Messages 136 to 148 of 148
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