Conversation Between Dodie16 and Taco-Calamitous

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  1. I don't see the reasoning.
  2. Because IwH is banned, that's why.
  3. Why would you cross IdiotwithHair out of your family list? He told me that makes him sad
  4. Yeah, that's where I saw it, heh. Thought it looked pretty cool. And yeah, Rarity's all sparkly, heh.
  5. That Mother 3 pic is the same one that's on the TV Tropes page. I like the work overall, but it's the froggies really grab at my heartstrings :3 They're soooo cute! And aww~ Rarity just sparkles with radiance, eh?
  6. *hugs back*

    Yeah, it was pretty surprising. I never thought they'd go to that extreme in a Nintendo game. I was thinking she'd just be missing for most the game or something. Pretty dark, and sad. Especially the flashback... It was also pretty interesting when Flint went berserk; shows good distinction of character there.
  7. *hugs*

    I was surprised at just how sudden the loss was. I guess that's how death is though.
  8. Got the part where Flint eats the apple...
  9. Hey! Get online, and we can play Mother 3 now! Unless you want to beat P3 or FF6 first, or something. But I am ready!
  10. lol, congratulations, you have earned this distinction. Through hard work and dedication.
  11. Probably could use a little spring cleaning. Or a bit of taking things out of boxes. Glad you like the song though. Also, thankee for the prayers, they are appreciated
  12. Nice song. Thanks for the link. Also, I guess that means your room is due for a bit of late spring cleaning, eh?

    Well, good luck with things, and hope to talk to you soon. Consider yourself prayed for too.
  13. Wanted to put this on the CD, but it's not on my 'puter, and I can't find the CD in my room:

    Probably won't hear from me today. Working, then running, then going to bed early. Maybe some time between midnight and 2 your time if you're still awake. But I got an interview tomorrow! 9 AM... Pray for me Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
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