Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and che

145 Visitor Messages

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  1. Be more active.
  2. Yeah you like it brah?
  3. Do you seriously have a shirtless picture for your avatar?
  4. Hahaha. Yes. That's it.
  5. He's putting the p*ssy on a pedestal.
  6. Hahahahaha. Oh Brett. You are so swell. Unfortunately, that lovely lady was not I. I am still in New York. Couple more weeks.

    And you won't believe this, but I actually have not hung out with Pete yet. He scurred.
  7. Are you still in NY banging Pete, or what? I thought I saw you at La Guardia. Whoever it was, I stared into her eyes and gave her my sexy look thinking it was you.
  8. I'm in Norwalk, Connecticut right now.
  9. Jersey Shore. You'll be close enough to where Pete and I are to get unexplained erections.
  10. High five!
Showing Visitor Messages 136 to 145 of 145
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