Conversation Between Andromeda and Leon

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  1. Just have to remain positive and things will improve.
  2. Not exactly, but I believe that at least the worst part is over.
  3. That's good to hear. Hopefully the rough patch is over and things can keep improving.
  4. Thanks. It's been rough but I know I can count on a lot of people. I've been feeling better.
  5. That's good. I hope things continue to smooth themselves out for you.
  6. There are times I can handle that, and there are times my brain shuts down and turns to mush when it happens. But I try my best.

    At least things aren't so bad. I made a new friend who's already been a great friend in the short time we've known each other. She took the time to hear me out, and just telling that to someone close to me has helped me feel better. Life still sucks in general but the ride has gotten smoother.
  7. Multitasking does help. Being pulled in a bunch of different directions and handling them all makes things pretty crazy. It makes me feel like I'm one of harder working people in the department.
  8. Sounds like it's nothing you can't handle. Of course, being able to multitask probably has something to do with it.
  9. I've been busy with long hours at work. Things are getting a little more hectic, but still fairly manageable still.
  10. I'm sorry I'm here here so often. How have you been?
  11. Yeah, it is just when you need patience.
  12. I know. I just wish they understood that.
  13. It is normal for each people to be different. You just have to get use to the way each person is.
  14. Different managers every four days, and they all function differently. I'm not always where I think should be, sadly.

    And sorry for not being here so much.
  15. They should have been more understanding that it was new for you. But it is not something that is permanent though right? You'll be back to you normal area.
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