Can I count on your vote for Most Antagonistic?
I agree. Although I don't know what you are referring to.
Proactive. I like the way you think.
Ha. I mean, just looking at people complaining about the color of the admin and moderator names. I cannot believe it. I don't know how Merlin did it as long as he did either. I would just ban those people.
Ridiculously high tolerance. Also, if we're talking about admin-stuff specifically... it's the internet. I take it with a grain of salt.
I don't know how you put up with what you do.
How can Tiger Lily be tough on crime when she is descended from criminals? How can we trust Mistress Sheena when he has flip-flopped on offshore drilling? Vote Pete.
I have track marks.
If Mistress Sheena is a citizen, where is his birth certificate? If Tiger Lily isn't a heroin addict, why does she have track marks? The conclusion is clear: Pete for S-Mod.
I don't know why we insist on torturing ourselves. Maybe because it's fun?
Ha. I am picking up your tendencies. They said if I keep doing it, I will get more, and my brain will turn into mush. I defy them.
We need to stay out of the hospital, sir.
Aliens have tried to conquer this world three times. You didn't hear about them because Pete fought them back each time. Vote Pete or else we will be invaded.
Enjoy your position of power, because Pete is going to "throw the bums out."