Conversation Between LocoColt04 and OceanEyes28

71 Visitor Messages

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  1. I stumbled over this today. Thought you'd get a kick out of it:
    Photographic Series Showing What 200 Calories Looks Like in Different Foods
  2. What's wrong with Adam?? Now you've got me worried for him.
  3. Happy birthday, young lady! Your insurance gets cheaper now, thus completing the final stage of entering adulthood. <3
  4. I was in the process of adding the herp and the derp as you were typing, I'm sure.
  5. Huzzah! When does he get his derpy green thing?

    EDIT: I see it now.
  6. Also, Operation Alpha is complete.
  7. YAYAYAY! I send it soon.
  8. Yay, I finally ****ing got one!!
  9. I so sowwy! Apparently you're quite popular on the eBays.
  10. Haha omg it's such a long address. I'll make another when I get home.
  11. I asked you to text it to me :3

    That one was taken as well. You so silly!
  12. According to the tag, it's long gone, lady friend!

    Perhaps you can text me the link next time and I'll have it straightaway.

    (Since I have my replacement phone and such now.)
  13. Yuss. Carry Me Home by Alisyn Reid | eBay

    If by the time you get to it, it says it's sold, just let me know and I'll link you a new one.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 71
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