Conversation Between Diyala and SeaAlchemist

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hmmm except what is happening in some
    Arabian countries things are fine and hopefully they will be.
    How about yourself? it's been a while since we talked.
  2. So,how have you been lately?
  3. ط

    Hello to you too
  4. *pokes*Hi
  5. congratulations
  6. Yep
  7. you changed your name right?
  8. *pokes*hi
  9. yep
  10. If I'm not wrong you changed your user name right?
  11. Yep and i'm good
  12. and now you are better right
    that's great , how are you today
  13. I woke up with a sore neck when i typed that
  14. what sore neck?
  15. I'm good but i woke up with a sore neck today
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 39
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