No need to respond to my PM, we cleared the hole thing.
Errrrm, there's an RP going on in the Citezens of Chaosthroph group, if you want to join.
That shouldn't be a problem, anyway have you seen any clips? I saw few images and some info, it all looks pretty impressive. The only thing that sucks is that I'll need to upgrade my computer.
You will also be able to comand mobile bases! But unfortunately, it's going to REQUIRE internet, no internet, no CnC4.
OK this is the second time you ask me how's Photoshop and I'm not sure what to answer. He's good thanks for asking. Just kidding. let's say like this...I work in Photoshop CS3 for now, a little bit older one but still popular (Who am I kidding let's face it my computer is too old and crappy). I'm learning basics for now since I'm just recently started and I'm satisfied with my progress and I must say that design of this photoshop is simple and catchy so I don't have any problems with it, unlike the ones in AutoCad 2008 (Damn those complicated programs). Anyway have you heard any news for the new C&C, from what I saw it will be amazing and I read a few minutes ago that it will be the first C&C game that will have voice support for multiplayer. Can't wait for it.
OK, Well, thanks for the compliment, and PDN, well, I've heard it called the free Photoshop. Anyways, ummmm, how's Photoshop?
Thanks for the help but ViviMasterMage helps me already with photoshop and the video tutorials are excellent so I'm covered there. I was just curious about PDN because I'm not too familiar with it and I wanted to see your opinion about it and to see some of the project you did. By the way I must compliment you on Sephiroth sig and the awy because they're excelent, As for my projects, nothing complicated just want to do some backgrounds and some color for my manga, few sigs and the most important thing is to learn it because I'll use photoshop on college soon, so I wanted to learn few things in advance.
Well, my Sephy sig is a mere sample of what I can do with it. I've done a few things for school, but overall, with all of my plugins, i'm sure that it's at leat equal to, if not greater than, Photoshop. I've done my Avvy in there too. I'm not sure if I can help you with Photoshop, but if you're willing to ask to use Paint.Net then I can probably help you create entire projects with ease! Tell me, what do you need to do?
I have never worked with PDN but I'm sure there isn't much difference between them. I'm basically forced to learn photoshop if I wish to complete few of my projects and so far it's nothing complicated. I have no comment for your reasons to talk with me because I don't know her and I'm sure she isn't that annoying. Anyway, you have experience with PDN so I was wondering have oyu done any major project in PDN?
I sent you a User Note, just so you know.
Ah, I use PDN, but I'm sure PS is better. Anyways, I'm doing soso, the main reason for this conversation is to help get UnknownAngel out of my mind, D*MN she's annoying! She's worse then Cait Sith! Worse then fighting the final boss of a hard game at level one! Anyways, so how is photoshop?
Yea I'm okay, well at least I think I am. Just started to learn how to work in photoshop (should have done this a long time ago) and right now I'm checking some video tutorials and so far it's going great. How bout you?
'Sup Xanatos? I hope you are doing well!
I know that you and Alther are really patient but the only images that I work on these days are building projects for my college. And by the way I'll give you one useful advice don't study civil engineering, it's pain in the ass.
Very little. How are the images coming? (I'm in no hurry)