Conversation Between Meier Link and OceanEyes28

104 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy birthday, pizza guuuyyyyyy <3

  2. Happy Valentine's Daaaayyyyyy
  3. OHGOODNESS!!!! So sneaky.

    Any and all cupcakes would be good. I'm having sugar cravings and other cravings.
  4. Quite possibly or maybe I have already cast charm on you and you just down know it dun dun dunnnnnn! Cupcakes sounds so damn good right now!
  5. lmao love slave?!?!?! Cupcakes?!?!?!
  6. You don't want to know unless you want to be my love slave; well then again maybe you want to with out me casting that spell on you!
  7. hahaha I'm sort of curious about what casting charm entails.
  8. I <3 you too. Figured you would like that one haha. Did I swoon you well enough yet? Or do I need to cast charm?
  9. Hahahahahahahahaha

    Oh Meier. I <3 you.
  10. Wow I screwed that one up haha. Kids had me distracted. YouTube - No Doubt - Hey Baby

    Yup I flubbed that one when typing it out. I knew what I was typing but it just came out wrong aha
  11. Hahaha what is this I don't even
  12. Hay baby baby, bu-baby babay..... Ok enough of the stupid 90s lyrics.
  13. Thanks for taking care of that necropost. I got the report this morning but my PC was down and out due to scheduled maintenance.
  14. So much I could say to that.... way to much...... I just hope you tip good because after I leave you will be wanting more and more and more...
  15. Oh baby gimme some of that mozzarella.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 104
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