Conversation Between HUNK and Rocky

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. Bro am I the 2000th visitor message?!

    Oh jeez, such an occasion, what to do, what to say?

    Hey man. Hope you're well!
  2. I just want you to know that the Police-Troll picture is so epic that I made it my labtop's background. ^__^
  3. Yes Rocky, but at what cost? MY NAME MAN, MY NAME!!!!! (It just doesn't feel right without the little dots between them. (No homo? Hahaha) )
  4. hey I can post on your wall now, yippee!!!
  5. hey man, if you ever need someone to talk to about stuff like whatever your going through or w/e, I'm always open ears. And remember, your senior year is supposed to be fun! enjoy it, and dont sweat the scholarship stuff.

    I remember when you were just a young pup back in the cpc8, oh my how hunk has grown.

    Keep us updated!!!

    priceless man!
  7. Heh, thanks bra. I'm actually getting it cut tommorow though...
  8. Thought I died? What gave you that possibly ture idea! : D
  9. not bad, could be better could be worse one of those types of deals haha. Good to see you're still alive though mang
  10. Thanks bra!
    So how goes the life of the Rock-man?
  11. I am AWESOME!

    However I am pretty scared about how the CPC8 problem will go. I don't know what else to say, say somthing interesting...
  12. I'm doing ok, just been busy with life you know how it goes lol. How are you faring man?
  13. Hey Rock!

    Come back to CPC8! We NEED you!
    Plus, how has life been, I haven't talked to you in forever.
  14. Thanks man! I will need you now more than ever to be my DD, rofl!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 29
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