A brief return to writing
, 11-02-2012 at 09:07 AM (2582 Views)
Yesterday I mentioned the posibilty of a job that could change my life, perhaps in a manner that may have been a little bit over the top. It may require a little bit of an explanation...
You see as a game designer I have become aware of the relative lack of job security within this industry for the majority of its employees. Don't get me wrong, normally once you are in, you are in. But companies don't last long in general. Whilst I personally hate the corporate machines that churn out carbon copy sequels once a year with a slight improvement in graphical prowess (I'm looking directly at you EA, you bastards) - to get a job there is incredibly safe, since EA isn't about to go bust. Not that all successful companies are cloning machines, there are of course big companies like Square-Enix and Naughty Dog who manage to remain successful without churning out duplicates - and companies like Rockstar North and Jagex (either of which I'd love to work with) who keep to a single series whilst having distinguishable titles; but I'm not sure how happy I would be in this sort of environment, and won't know for some time.
Last year, as you may know, I worked in the university as part of an initiative to help the transition from further education colleges to university, and provided 'expert knowledge' regarding the interpretation of coursework specifications and stuff like that. And I've got to say I really enjoyed it. Which is why I've been considering more and more the prospect of being an academic.
Three or four weeks ago, one of my lecturers (a woman who has repeatedly said that she only lectures because she has to to continue her research and detests doing it) advertised a position as a game designer for one of her projects to my class. Consequently I completed a CV, and brushed up my porfolio*, and got an interview. I feel that the interview could have gone better since I was so nervous, but her research assistant was impressed by the CV at the very least, and when she asked for an example of academic writing I sent it away maybe a little bit late but she still said 'Thanks!' in the email - this seems like a big deal to me since the woman as I have said is a bit of a bitter shrew at times.
The fact that she wanted an example of academic writing could at the very least be an indication that if I get the job it could lead to a more academic career path, since I would be working quite closely with academics. And I think I would love that.
The thing is, she said she'd get back to me soon. It's been 11 days since the interview. I hope everything works out. It would be so nice after the bad things that have happened in the last few months.
Speaking of which, it may be the case that my slash wound may not leave a scar. There is still at the very least a small line on my arm from where the blade made contact, but for some reason I have a feeling it may not stick around - since the wound wasn't that deep in the first place. I'm no medic though, and I'm not sure how scarring works - but since it's been 2 months since it happened and there is still a mark I probably shouldn't expect it to go away, should I?
I think I'd miss it if it were gone. It's an important part of my life, a milestone, and even if it has bad connotations, it wouldn't be wise to completely forget about it, would it?
*Ha, how great would it be if the FFVII-2 game I keep in my portfolio got me a job! Thank you TFF if that ever happens!