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This totally could have happened.

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Setting: Desert Palace, Kuja's...Study?

[Kuja and Zidane are speaking.]
Kuja: What do you say? Isn't it a simple task? I'll even send you on my luxury cruise ship, so you won't have to worry about transportation.
[Pause, thinking.]
Kuja: Perhaps it's too much for you. I'd better send you with three of your friends just to be safe. Besides, nobody likes to fight against himself.
Zidane: ???
Kuja: Heheh, nevermind. Speak their names when you've chosen your partners.
Zidane: [choses partners]
Kuja: Fine. I shall summon them.
[Does so.]
[The party prepares to leave.]
Zidane: Wait a sec.
Kuja: ?
Zidane: I have a question.
Kuja: You really are that stupid...[sigh] Fine. What?
Zidane: ...Do you play Tetra Master?
Party: [Facepalms.]
Kuja: ...
[Three hours later.]
Kuja: Hahaha, I win again!

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  1. loaf's Avatar
    Your posts are making want to play FFIX again...and I'm in the middle of FF3.
  2. DragonHeart's Avatar
    Lol it makes me want to play it...and I actually am. XD Well not physically at this very moment, but still. It's been years since I last played it all the way through and man, I forgot how good it really is, down to all the little details that make it seem so much more complete.