A New Start
, 04-26-2013 at 12:37 PM (6023 Views)
Hiya! To be up front and honest, I'm kinda worried about starting a blog here or anywhere. I'm a very private person. It's not exactly that I'm antisocial (completely anyway) but I know from experience that information is a power weapon. So letting people in is difficult for me. But the more I look around, the more I realize how alone I am and how secretly miserable I am because of it. So here goes, my one chance to maybe change things for myself.
I live a small life in a small town full of people with small minds. Being different isn't acceptable here so I do my best to be non-existent to limit my exposure to their ignorance. I'm stuck here for another year at least. In the meantime, however, I am working towards my goals. I desperately wish to one day see my novels on bookshelves with knock your socks off covers and good reviews. Not that I think I'm the next J.K. Rowlings but writing is something I've always loved to do. I love to share my stories. But the bills have to be paid so while I'm waiting for my inspiration to be tamed, I make crafts and sell them online. Right now, I'm making mini top hats and turning fake flowers into little people. I hope to expand my talents soon but these put food on the table. There's a spark of hope that a local shop might be interested in buying some of my surplus to display in their store. I'll let you know how that pans out. I'm unsure of what to write next so I will leave it at this and see where it goes. Later gators![]()