Hey guys
, 04-26-2013 at 01:04 AM (4229 Views)
Hey guys it's Kurt Zisa here. As you may or may not have noticed I've been pretty absent around here. Truth be told I felt like i'd hit a rut and I found it hard to come back here from time to time. Since posting here again I felt like I was back at home, I just needed time to get back into the swing of things.
Well the main reason I haven't been around is that I joined Smogon in December, so that's been my hangout for the last couple of months where I've learnt to battle Pokemon competitively on their online server. I can even post a couple links to my more successful battles, it might even encourage me to post here more regularly.
Looking back at my last entry I realized I haven't told you guys about my new job (well jobs but more on that in a minute). I was hired as a dishwasher at a local cafe where, well, I've been washing dishes. I was asked by another one if I could work weekends but so far I've only been there twice. Apparently It's not the best time of years for cafes so cafe#2 hasn't needed an extra person to wash up etc.
I've decided, now that I'm back, that I'd like to overhaul my Avatar (*gasp* I know, what is he thinking?). As much as I love my Overlord one I'd like to switch it for something new:
I love it XD look at his right hand if you don't get it.
So yeah sorry I haven't been around, especially to those who contacted me over the past month or so. I'll get some links to some of my online battles so ya'll can see what I've been up to.
See you guys around the forums, I'm glad to be back.