I'm not dead!
, 02-28-2013 at 01:18 AM (3721 Views)
Just haven't had much to talk about. I suppose I have a few things now...well I got fired. 3 strikes policy and all that.
Strike 1: Accidentally set the gas price to $0.34(9) instead of $3.49(9) because I forgot about the damn extra 9. Lost 11 gallons and I managed to catch it and stop it, as one person was getting gas, but of course I got chewed out with the old "WHAT IF SOME ONE ELSE WASN'T NICE ENOUGH TO COME IN AND TELL YOU, THEN WE'D HAVE PEOPLE LINED AROUND THE BLOCK" which is all well in good when if I didn't fix it, but I digress, it's understandable, I ****ed up.
Strike 2: We generally had about 4-5 different people working per shift, 1-2 at a time. On the same shift I was working, some one miscounted or lost cigarettes/lottery tickets so they wrote up EVERYONE on the shift. This was bullshit, but I didn't care.
Strike 3: At this point, my manager was just trying to make me quit. I explained to her that it costs me around $8 to go to work and back, and she kept putting me on these ridiculous 3 hour shifts. I asked her to please **** off with those shifts (not my words of course) and begged for more hours. So, she severely cuts my hours and gives me nothing but 3 hour shifts. So anyway, I had to call off Thursday because I DIDN'T HAVE GAS MONEY BECAUSE OF THIS SHIT JOB. As I mentioned before, I lost my foodstamps, so it was either food or gas, **** those assholes, I'm picking gas. Since it was the second day (first I was in my work uniform and covered in my own vomit before work, as you can guess, that's not going to work out) in a week (yet the only days I ever called off) she fired me.
I'd be more pissed, but it's hard to really care since I was getting ****ed anyway...though my record is even more ****ed than before. Not sure what I'm going to do...but I'm more or less apathetic about it all. A certain person was making me actually feel pretty happy for a few days...but things got odd tonight, idk. Everything is just leading to confusion...and...**** that.
Also, out of boredom/self interest (and the possibility that I might be crazy as **** and thus entitled to a shit government check) I've been considering psychiatric evaluation or whatever, though I have no idea how to go about that. I'm also unsure of how open and honest I could be to a doctor anyway...so i don't see it working out.
To add onto the confusion and thinking and shit, I'm considering going to college. Not sure how or where to start since I'm butt**** broke and only have my GED.