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The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky

Sick and tired

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I'm just sick and ****ing tired of getting close to people only to be used or treated as second banana. Sick of being left behind, sick of being treated like shit. I'm so tired of people and I'm just tired of all of this. I don't ****ing need anyone. I can't be a ****ing napkin any longer, give some one my sympathy, help, shoulder.

Just sick.

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  1. Alpha's Avatar
    one banana two banana three banana floor

    ...just trying to cheer you up mate
  2. darknesse's Avatar
    I feel you man. Had two really good internet friends a while back that ended up dating and after helping them through, they pushed all their problems on me and kicked me away. Thats just the worst case, but its no fun mistrusting and hating everyone
  3. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    I hear you too...

    I hate those situations.