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An update and a request

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Hello, everyone.

Just wanted to say thank you to those of you who checked up on me and sent friendly thoughts my way. It meant a lot to me, and I'm sorry I didn't wrap this up sooner. I have been preoccupied with other projects, but I'll get to that later. I got my results from the biopsy back, and it came back negative for precancerous cells. Yay! But they aren't sure why I had a positive in the first place, so I have another appointment in June to check up on things. So I'm presumably healthy, but still sort of on hold in a way. All the same, I'm really glad I don't have to have surgery.

So, here's what's been happening.

I'm still studying for my personal training certification, and my seminar weekend (I'll take a few classes and then my tests) is coming up in less than a month (!). My boot camp instructor continues to make me feel very excited about this whole thing, and I can't wait for health to be my day job. Also, here's a photo of me in a local magazine doing a box jump!

Haha not my most flattering (lol jacket pooch), but at least I wasn't doing something gross.

Caleb and I planted some apple trees and blueberry bushes for Earth Day.

My friends had a muthafukin BABY!!

Mama and son. A few of us were at the hospital until 3AM last night waiting on this guy. It was worth it. He was so awesome.

And, finally, here's where the request comes in. I finished recording/mixing/etc my song The Riddle. It has cello and violin tracks on it, and I'm actually really proud of it. So I put together a simple YouTube video with the lyrics for easy sharing, and I would love it if you all would take a listen and then share it with others if you like it. If you want it for yourself, there's a free download link in the YouTube info that will take you to Bandcamp.

So there you are. I'm still busy with a few things, but I'm starting to feel good about where it's all going. Thank you for listening, and thank you VERY much to those of you who have already shared my work with others. That is awesome, and I am forever grateful to you.

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  1. loaf's Avatar
    I clicked "Like" just so I can click "Unlike" and "Like" again.
  2. OceanEyes28's Avatar
    Lmao I actually got two notifications. It worked. Thank you! Hahaha
  3. loaf's Avatar
    I also have been listening to your song for about 5th time in a row. I have to go out now tho
  4. OceanEyes28's Avatar
    That makes me positively giddy. Enjoy your evening!
  5. Incognitus's Avatar
    Congrats on the temporary clean bill of health! Even though you aren't technically out of the woods yet, it's good to keep a positive outlook on it.

    Very nice song! As a former cellist, I approve. And as a beginner music producer, I'd like to talk shop with you on music software, hardware, etc. at some point.
  6. LocoColt04's Avatar
    False positive the first time, perhaps? Ideally that's the only thing in your life that will remain negative. Stay healthy, little lady! You look fantastically happy.

    ...I want a blueberry tree. D: