NaNoWriMo and the new job
, 11-05-2013 at 07:50 PM (1649 Views)
Just real quick, because I want to save my keystrokes for the 50,000 words I have to write by the end of this month:
I'm writing a novel! It's National Novel Writing Month, and I'm participating. At day 5, I have 10,000 words, and I'm still excited about this story. It means a lot to me to get to write about characters I've had in my head for 10 years. They finally have space on paper. I am thrilled. Is anyone else participating? We can be writing buddies on NaNo website.
Also this new payroll gig isn't bad at all. My first week, they promoted me to a processing job (explaining that they thought the distribution job wasn't challenging enough), so I'm working with a lot of numbers now. I'm learning about deductions, taxes, payroll theory, AND I get paid more. And I get a desk. Win/win. Do you have any idea how it feels, after two years of being talked to like a ****ing moron, to get promoted to a better job because the one you were hired for wasn't "challenging enough?" Do you have any idea how ****ing amazing that feels?
And I just taught 6 yoga classes last Thursday, and have gotten nothing but good feedback. And I've been kicking my workouts' butts.
I'm goddamn bragging all over the place, but WHATEVER.
Life is just going really well right now. I am so grateful.
Now back to work!