Yes, I'd like to ramble about soup.
, 09-12-2012 at 07:55 PM (837 Views)
WELP I'm pretty excited to get my archived journal posts up in hyaer (here?) seeing as I'm not trying to start over just yet.
Which is applicable to my general outlook right now. Ha ha.
I made a dairy free corn chowder tonight, and it turned out real damn delicious. I pretty much used this recipe: My New Roots: Cashew Corn Chowder with Cilantro Cream
Except I used one yellow onion instead of two (I figured the giant mutant onions I found in the store amounted to about two normal medium onions) and 5 cloves of garlic. The directions don't say when to actually add the lime juice, so I just added it during the simmer. Also I didn't make the cilantro cream, though it does sound delicious, and I would have made it if I didn't ALWAYS waste cilantro every time I buy it because I use it for one recipe and then forget about it and then it's gross. Anyway. I think I could have done with a little less cumin (I like cumin, but imo, it's very overpowering) and a little more corn, but all in all, it's a success. Also, I added some raw honey (like a tbsp) after it was all blended together, and it made the soup. I like a bit of sweetness to my corn dishes.
I also made a pumpkin hazelnut soup recently that went over really well with Caleb. There were some things I wanted to change, though, so I'm going to make it one more time before I finish/post the recipe.
So! It's September and officially candle time. I've tried to burn candles in the summer, and sometimes it's awesome, but I just can't get into it like I do in the colder months. And even though it's not COLD yet, it has cooled off, and there's a feeling in the air that tells me.... to burn candles.
10 days til the Gauntlet. I didn't get to run today because I had a bit of nausea that made me nervous. Caleb's sick with a stomach bug that's going around, and I definitely exposed myself to it. However, my immune system kicks major ass if I give myself plenty of rest, and I already feel better (two hour nap helped). I'm betting I won't get full blown sick and will get my usual Friday run in as planned.
Blah blah boring boring.
I'm going to New York end of September, and I'm pretty excited. I can tell Dad is too. I go to New Orleans mid-October. I'm trying to convince Caleb to plan a Eureka Springs trip in December with me (LivingSocial deal ohmagaw). I get restless if I don't have trips to look forward to.
Speaking of Caleb, we've been a little out of sync recently, and that's been sort of awful. But he's all sick and sad, and so, very affectionate. This evening, he said that he loved the way I bounce on my toes. "I bounce on my toes?" "Usually right before turning around quickly. After a kiss or a hug when you turn to get ready for something." I hadn't noticed. It's really sweet... but now I'm going to be hyper-aware of it haha.
This weekend is full of shows (two). I'm excited, and I hope more opportunities come from them.
Whenever I get even a little bit sick, or I'm trying not to get sick, I become overly accommodating to cravings (which I happen to get more of when I feel under the weather). I'd really like cookies right now. Earlier, I was convinced that I needed chicken strips with white gravy (didn't indulge that one, but I might have to tomorrow...). I gave in to a craving for a blueberry muffin this morning, justifying it with the idea that "a bread product will soothe my stomach." Almost gave in to one for a Hershey bar.
What am I talking about
I was pretty much just excited about the corn chowder and rambled from there.