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It's a monthly blog I guess

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Haha idk!

So I did actually manage to get 50,000 words in November, and am a NaNoWriMo WIINERRRR. The story isn't done yet, and without a looming deadline, my progress has slowed, but I AM still working on it. I try to get a little done each day, even if it's a measly two sentences. The holidays are giving me trouble for having any time to myself, and I've got to make up for all the nights I blew off Caleb to write.

It's time to consider New Years resolutions, and look back at the ones I made last year. I wrote them down and put them in my bedside table drawer, and have pulled them out to check on them every so often. I've actually accomplished a good number of them!
Last year, I resolved to:
  • Read more books (check!)
  • Move into a house - I actually meant to rent a house with Caleb, but we went ahead and bought one (check!)
  • Eat as a pescetarian for 1 year (check! Well, in a few weeks, check. And I plan to continue. I feel much better, and it works well for me)
  • Spend less, save more (I managed to save enough to split the down payment on a house, so that's nice. Building savings back up now, so sort of check)
  • Go backpacking for multiple nights (check! Grand Tetons)
  • Start a blog (check? Started GreenTums, but I've been bad about updating it the last few months, which sucks of me. Room to improve there)
  • 25 min 5k (I am not sure about this one. I haven't been in an officially timed 5k since May, and my time back then was 26:39. I imagine I've sped up considerably in six months, but I haven't actually tested it yet.... but my fitness has improved a great deal, and I count that as a win)

At the time I wrote that list last year, I was not engaged and was working as a server and living in a one bedroom apartment. During the course of this year, I have gotten engaged, bought a house, quit serving, got through abnormal cells and surgery, started working as an instructor for boot camp, started a higher paying office job, and gotten into the best shape of my life.
^that paragraph was like... almost entirely for me lol. But it does remind me that even though it seems like I JUST celebrated Christmas only recently, a year has gone by, and a lot has changed.

Two friends of mine were married last weekend, and I sang for their ceremony. It was wonderful to be a part of it, and it was nice to be playing out again. I haven't done much of that for months. A friend sang harmony for one of the songs, and it was good to do that with her again. We were close for part of high school, had a falling out, and lost contact for several years. She's moved back to work on some of her own issues, and in that process, we've reconnected. I am very happy with how it's going. I think we're both better people now.

I've been having private thoughts about my social shortcomings, and wondering if I wasn't a little up my own ass for a lot of my teens and early twenties. Even a little introspection tells me that I was. It's a bit embarrassing, but hopefully also behind me. I have already started on some new years resolutions, and one of them is to keep practicing gratitude for what I have. I have noticed a lot of anger and anxiety floating around in my head, and I'd like to temper that. I need practice. And constant reminders that everyone else on the highway is NOT a "stupid ****er."

I think perhaps that 2013 was my year for outer improvement, and that 2014 should be a year for my insides. I need to be able to look myself in the eyes and know that I'm working to be better.

Also I want to finish this novel and see if I can turn it into something.

But right now, I want some soup. I've been ordering food from a local food network (local farmers and gardeners), and the potatoes I got last weekend are good enough to eat raw (which I did). I was a little nervous because they were soft, but it turns out they're just really awesome potatoes. And they are in my soup. Lucky me!

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  1. Yoko's Avatar
    Patience when driving is an honest to goodness virtue. When someone is driving a little less than standard, I just urge them to drive their vehicle, with my mind of course. It works long enough to get passed them and move on.

    I'm glad you're well. Keep up the awesome work. ^_^
  2. Unknown Entity's Avatar
    You're an inspiration, lady! Keep it up. ^^

    But everyone else on the highway are stupid ****ers. I don't drive, but I get those feels with people (staff and customer alike) at work.