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Fruit TART

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I made a fruit tart inspired by a thermal pool in Yellowstone. No sugar, just dates. No flour, just nuts. If you want to know how to make it, I blogged about it.

In other news, it looks like my boot camp guy is offering me 7:30AM and 4:30PM classes to teach. That is very exciting. And he's willing to wait until my surgery is over and recovered from.

I am still feeling pretty good.

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  1. LocoColt04's Avatar

    And now I will have to recreate this wonderful masterpiece.

    Is there anything else you would recommend to replace the walnuts, though?
  2. loaf's Avatar
    I liked it on Fasebuk.
  3. OceanEyes28's Avatar
    Is it a nut allergy, or do you just not like walnuts? Because pecans or almonds would probably work just as well. Pecans and peaches are pretty magic together. If it's a nut allergy, idk, but I might have some ideas. You should definitely make it and then take a picture so I can seeeee.

    Ty loafer!
  4. LocoColt04's Avatar
    It's not a nut allergy; I'm just not a huge fan of most of them. I do like cashews and peanuts and pistachios - things that aren't really nuts but seeds in the technical sense.
  5. OceanEyes28's Avatar
    Lmao does not compute. Not even pecans? Bro! Well I think that peanuts might have too strong a flavor to go into this, but it might be possible to use cashews for the crust. I'd use roasted, but unsalted, and I wouldn't soak them first. I bet they'd hold up all right. Pistachios might be worth a try, and their flavor might be all right with this... but I'm betting a cup of cashews is cheaper than a cup of shelled pistachios.
  6. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Well hell, I'd shell my own pistachios, but I do think cashews would be the best there. I could buy unsalted and roast them myself!