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All the things

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My life right now is fairly exciting. When someone asks me "What's been going on?" I have several things to tell them rather than the usual "Oh, same as always." I have mixed feelings about that. It's thrilling to be in the middle of so much, but the hours that I spend alone doing nothing are some of my most treasured moments these days. I've not gone out much during the week for that reason. Or, really, even on the weekends lately.

My surgery is on Monday. I'll be glad to have that done with. But I will miss working out for a week or two or however long it will take. The risk is that I'll dislodge the blood clot and start bleeding, which would be SUPER inconvenient and probably not very good for me either. I took a three days off work. I probably don't NEED to take off Tuesday and Wednesday, but I'm not gonna want to be there, and I can work on packing up my apartment (Caleb thinks I should only rest and do nothing and does not like the idea of my moving boxes around, but it is hard to be useless for THREE days).

Wait, did I just say pack up my apartment? Yep I did. Caleb and I closed on a house yesterday! Months of saving, looking, negotiating, and a few hours of making repairs to a house we didn't yet own so that it would pass inspection. We did it, and it's ours. I'm freaked out, but also very excited about what we could do with this place. Also I've never lived with a significant other before, so... I hope I'm not too much of a handful. I haven't shared groceries with another person since I was a kid living with my parents.

Caleb is already talking about a joint bank account, but I would rather we just focus on living together before we even begin to open that can of worms. I move slowly, I guess.

My boot camp instructor has had me leading cool-downs after class the last couple days. That has been neat. So far, the feedback is good. He said he thinks I can help a lot of people, and he wants to turn me into a really good trainer. It is nice to be good at something I am excited about. Hopefully, I can stop being a waitress soon. The plan is for me to start teaching in September, once I'm recovered.

Also I have a new teapot.

It's a tokoname and it's for my gyokuro. I may have also ordered a Zisha teapot for my favorite oolong.... okay, I did. Hehehe.

Well anyway. I'm going to spend probably another hour doing nothing, and then I'll get my morning started. I moved several things into my car around 8AM when it was still cool, along with some cleaning supplies for that dusty new house. Time to shine, new home.

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Updated 08-03-2013 at 08:50 AM by OceanEyes28



  1. Unknown Entity's Avatar
    That is a beautiful teapot. <3

    Congratulations on getting your own place! From what I saw on Facebook, it looks beautiful. It looks like a modem take on an adorable cottage, ha.

    Also, good luck with your surgery and I hope it all goes well! And Caleb is right - you rest up.
  2. Alpha's Avatar
    Your house looks beautiful, those red stones around the front are really nice. Super jelly!
  3. OceanEyes28's Avatar
    Thank yoouu! I can't wait to take more pictures. I can't wait to paint the kitchen. I moved some things over today and cleaned. The house has been vacant for several months, so there's a lot of dust. But I burned some candles to make it smell more like "me." The entire house is that stone work you can see in front. It was built in 1946, so there are a lot of outdated things, but the house is really well made. Even the foundation is stone. There will be a guest room, I'm just saying!
  4. Alpha's Avatar
    Well I'll need somewhere to stay when I come Stateside!
  5. che's Avatar
    Nice pots.
  6. loaf's Avatar
    Can I have some pot?
  7. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Where on earth did you get that teapot?! I need something like that. :3

    Your surgery will go wonderfully, so don't even pause on it!
  8. OceanEyes28's Avatar
    @Loco: Omg! Get one! Haha I splurged on this one because it's for my favorite green tea and I figured I can have a teapot if I'm having surgery, but they have cheaper pots too. I got it here: Yuuki-Cha - Organic Green Tea | Matcha | Japanese Tea
    They also sell tea, including a Japanese black tea I want to try. I love this little pot because it's 7.4oz, which is absolutely perfect for my teacup of choice. I have a larger cast iron for company, but for just my one cup in the morning (and re-infusions later), this is the perfect size.

    It actually took me a while to find a website I liked and trusted to order my Yixing teapot from. Some sites seemed outdated or sketch, others I couldn't tell if the teapot was handmade or factory made. But I finally found China Cha Dao | Offical Douji Puerh Tea Online Store and I'm waiting on my teapot to arrive. It seems as though they have only one of each pot. The thing I'm most excited about is their tea selection. I plan to get some of that soon. They have different grades of tea, so I'll probably treat myself to some of their "Supreme AAAA Tie Guan Yin" once I run out of what I already have. My Yixing is for that tea. It's a really good oolong. So exciting, I know.
  9. LocoColt04's Avatar
    Wow, Yuuki-Cha even has teapots sorted by price! That's oddly convenient.

    The teapots on both of these sites are gorgeous.
  10. LocoColt04's Avatar
    I think I'm going to save this one for my next paycheck:
    Green Momiji Maple Leaf Tokoname Teapot

    It's about $48 after taxes and shipping... super easy for a non-rent check.
  11. OceanEyes28's Avatar
    Aw pretty! That will be a good teapot.

    I am hopelessly in love with this one: Birikatto Banko Yaki Teapot By Kuniaki Mori
    But I'd need to wait until I have some extra money before indulging in that. After buying a house, surgery, missing a couple days of work, and okay yes, buying another teapot.... I ain't got that right now! But eventually.