Shift Story Arcs
, 11-04-2012 at 08:56 PM (1676 Views)
In the interest of providing more supplemental material to those interested in reading or currently reading Shift. I have a breakdown of all of the major arcs and sub-arcs that are currently available or in development. As I finish work on planning I will keep this up to date on the arcs, specifically the naming of them and sub-arc breakdown if necessary.
School Days Arc: Chapter 0 - Pilot - Completed
School Days Arc Chapter 1-93
School Days Arc: Awakening Sub-Arc - Chapters 1-11
School Days Arc: My Brother's Keeper Sub-Arc - Chapter 12-23
School Days Arc: Like Spirits Sub-Arc - Chapter 24-29
School Days Arc: Ties that Link Sub-Arc - Chapter 30-32
School Days Arc: Dreamers Sub-Arc - Chapter 33-38
School Days Arc: Beast and Shade Sub-Arc - Chapter 39-45
School Days Arc: Difference in the Same Sub-Arc - Chapter 46-49
School Days Arc: Worlds Apart Sub-Arc - Chapter 50-60
School Days Arc: That Magic Touch Sub-Arc - Chapter 61 - 63
School Days Arc: Spiritual Misfortune Sub-Arc - Chapter 64 - 66
School Days Arc: Shades of War Sub-Arc - Chapter 67 - 69
School Days Arc: Goodbye, Friend Sub-Arc - Chapter 70 - 71
School Days Arc: Bonds of Family Sub-Arc - Chapter 72 - 74
School Days Arc: Silent Beast Sub-Arc - Chapter 75 - 85
School Days Arc: Departure Sub-Arc - Chapter 86 - 93
The Siege Arc - 94-Current
The Siege Arc: The Waiting Sub-Arc - 94-95
The Siege Arc: Journey to Atlantis Sub-Arc - 96-Current
The Siege Arc: Siege of the Capital - Development
The Siege Arc: Weight of Truth - Development
The War Arc - Development
Restoration Arc - Development
Dark Heart Arc - Development
Major Arc #6 - Development
Major Arc #7 - Development
Major Arc #8 - Development
Major Arc #9 - Development
Major Arc #10 - Development
Major Arc #11 - Development
Major Arc #12 - Development