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Where actually "Blog" journal stuff goes.

  1. Stress, Good and/or Bad

    It's been a while for one of these. I have an odd habit of doing one rough a year. Looking at the last one, it's been more than that. But I did two in a month so that's got me covered.

    I usually always have a reason for these, rarely are they just some update of life is life. Whether I feel like thinking about heady subjects or just getting lost in words, there's a reason. This feels a little more like its going to be update-ish. A lot of stuff has happened and with nothing to ...
  2. Love/Hate? or Entertainment?

    Hey it's actually a blog post from me. Crazy talk huh? I've been busy with other things and I haven't had a topic I really wanted to ramble about. Well, I found a topic and it is all thanks to a JRPG I just finished. I'm going to be doing some general ranting about the game, but I'll also get into my gaming philosophy which actually extends out to other things. I've also got some other things I'm going to do as well at the end. So scroll down to see the surprise!

    Anyway, the game ...
  3. Resulting Tears

    I'm back for another round of journal posting. I don't know how long it has been since the last time, probably like a month. Still better than the norm, which is way too long. I've been keeping pretty busy with one thing or another. And not busy enough with one thing or another. It is just sort of how it has been working out. I've sort of got sucked into Mugen Souls the last couple weeks. So I've been distracted a little by it. It's given me plenty of excuses not to do less pressing matters. ...
  4. Can't remember the last time I was so busy

    It's been a little while since I wrote an entry, but I've been crazy busy lately. I threw myself out there to do a lot of the news for the forums/site, there are others helping out, but I'm definitely spending a chunk of my time on this. Hopefully, people are liking it and hopefully it brings in new members following the constant stream of news. I know so many old bits of information and stuff that I've had to put a bit of a line done not to go any further back than "X" or otherwise ...
  5. Nasty Broccoli's Are Back!

    Since we're doing the blogs for the journals, I figured I start my old journal up again. It's long dead, but a lot people seemed to read judging by the hits. Anyway, those that remember my original journal's title was Broccoli Flavored Thoughts, hence the title.

    The reason I stopped writing journal entries was because I went too long. I originally wrote them in college when I had like two hours of down time between classes and wanted something to do. So it was not a problem writing ...