The Inner Man - Episode 8 - Sports
, 11-10-2012 at 12:30 PM (1891 Views)
The Inner Man – Episode 8 – Sports
The scarred man stepped around numerous dead bodies. The blood poured across the ground spreading into pools making it difficult to walk. He still managed to get through without stepping in any of the blood and not giving the appearance that he was trying to remain clean. It was just simply as though the blood conveniently had a path for him to walk.
His two men followed behind him carefully. The scene of death was not their own work, but two rival syndicates fighting over territory. At least that was what it was at first glance. It was no secret that the Osaka underground was in turmoil. Ever since the boss of the Blue Raging Wolves, the most powerful syndicate that controlled all of Osaka, had died the entire city had been broken. Members of the Blue Raging Wolves divided and factions grew out of differing opinions. Those factions fought until completely ripping apart the syndicate and new syndicates grew up in multitude.
The entire city was now in constant conflict over territory to take the entire city for themselves and restore it to the former glory. But the incident with The Awaking Dragons and their presence in Osaka was throwing the subtle conflicts out of control. Alliances were being formed and an all out war was on the rise with each group looking to gain the aid of The Awaking Dragons.
He had his own objective though, finding the man that knew too much that he needed to be silenced. This man had dragged him to Osaka, a place that made his hunt far more precarious than it should have been. It should have been a simple mission to find the man and kill him. But the situation in Osaka was developing beyond his control. He was being forced into a position that was drawing him away from his goals.
The situation had grown to syndicates fighting between each other almost in open day, far more reckless than he could take. They were turning into street gangs finding anything to fight about not caring about the greater issues. But now before him was an even greater problem, that was putting his entire mission in jeopardy. It had started after he left that elementary school a few weeks back.
The incident at the school left him with one question, which was who was leaking information to the syndicates about his mission? He had been careful never to reveal his identity or whom they worked for. His own investigation was not meant to make it seem as though The Awaking Dragons were in Osaka. He was acting independent from the syndicate and alone. There was no way for those he spoke to know his identity; few people outside of the Superiors' inner circle knew he existed.
It meant that there was another hand at work in Osaka trying to put them in the light. He needed to find out what that was before he could continue with his mission. If his identity was exposed everything would become a failure and he would be forced to leave. This was unacceptable for the Superiors and he knew it. Knowing that put more pressure on his position to find out what was going on in Osaka.
This scene of blood was one of these works of someone else. From what he was able to learn from it the men had a connection to those that were at the school. They were meeting with someone when another group attacked. No one was left alive, though it was not clear at the moment which side had actually won. He continued to look over the scene careful staring at the bodies.
His mind was playing through how the fight was acted out. The subtle hints of the footprints, the way the blood was spread and wounds of the men. He could tell how each attack was dealt and the direction. It all played out for him so that he could try to find the answers that he was looking for.
His two men came up to him finding him in the back room watching where the last part of the fight must have taken place. They watched not interrupting him from his concentration. He then stood up turning to face his men.
"Sir, the Superiors are requesting a meeting."
"They want you back in Tokyo immediately."
"I see. I'm finished here. Nothing more can be gained."
"And your mission?"
"It has been delayed, one more day will not change that."
Chiko woke up with a heavy sigh. He carefully tried to get out of his cage of hair that he was sleeping in. After a minute of fighting with it and knocking himself into the table again he was free of the mess. He yelled his usual things at Mashiro in the kitchen and took a shower.
Mashiro was smiling like he always did, though for a little more of reason today. He was able to embarrassed Chiko today, because there was a meeting with the parents and teachers today. It was not something that Chiko was thrilled about for obvious reasons; Mashiro already did enough for him the first day. He was feeling as though the students were finally forgetting about that story and him enough that he could be normal. If Mashiro went in there he was going to screw that all up again for him.
"Why do you have to go?" Chiko said to Mashiro at the table while he was brushing his hair. "You're just going to ruin things for me. I know it!"
"Aw, do I embarrass you? Heh."
"Shut up!"
"But you just asked me a question."
"Aren't be acting a little childish?"
"Hey! I'm not a child!"
"You act like one pretty well, forgetting that it's a role?"
"Shut up!" Chiko turned around looking at Mashiro while he was still holding his hair. "I'll kick you again."
"Okay, okay. But I'm still going to your school."
"Why do you have to?!" Chiko said marching off the chair and out of the kitchen with the brush dangling from his hair. He stomped through living room making the room shake.
"Don't break anything, I'm the one that has to fix it!"
"I'll break it if I want to!"
Mashiro sighed, 'I swear he acts more like a child every day.'
Chiko left the house walking down the street still angry. He was dreading the rest of the day to come when Mashiro arrived. This was going to be a terrible day for him, but he knew that there was one possible bright side to this. He was not going to be in the same room, he was going to be doing their sports day activity while the teachers were talking to everyone's parents. It meant no classes, which was good for him.
Sakura approached him and started to walk with him. She turned to ask him something, "Kohana, why is your brush hanging from your hair?"
"What?!" Chiko spun around franticly trying to find it on him. He finally caught his brush and hair in the face with a loud smack. The brush landed in his hands a moment later revealing his anger painted across his face. He clinched the brush in his palm squeezing it so hard that the wood of the handle was snapping. Chiko turned back looking to where the house would be somewhere. He screamed, "Mashiro!" In the process of screaming he threw the brush back towards the house.
Chiko began to turn around when he heard a thud and someone shout in pain behind him. He rushed back to where the sound came from to find that he had hit Nobu in the head with his hairbrush. Nobu's eyes were dazed and swirling around not certain what was happening.
"Nobu I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you." Chiko lifted him up to look at him, his head still dangling on his shoulders. "Nobu! Are you alright?! Can you hear me?" Chiko rested Nobu's head on his lap trying to wake up him. "Nobu! Wake up. I hope I didn't kill him! What am I going to do?"
As Chiko was trying to bring Nobu around to the living world again, Sakura caught up to him and was waving to the girls that were coming down the street. She smiled at them as they stopped to see what was going on. They looked down to see that it was Chiko and Nobu and started to grin.
"Hey, Kohana what you doing with Nobu there?"
"My, my, Kohana didn't know you and Nobu…"
They continued to tease him; Nobu was coming around his eyes finally conscious enough to see Chiko. Chiko was unable to take to the teasing lying down and stood up immediately letting Nobu's head hit the pavement hard knocking him out. Nobu had managed an unintelligible word that Chiko heard before he was out again. Chiko looked back down at Nobu realizing what just happened. "Nobu! Not again. I'm sorry!"
Nobu was unresponsive again and Chiko picked up by the upper arms close to the shoulders shaking him. He shook him around trying to wake up him. "Wake up!" Nobu's head bounced around wildly as Chiko was ringing him about. Sakura with a worried expression touched Chiko who stopped for a moment. "What?"
"Your hurting him, Kohana."
"What? He needs to wake up, he is making me late for school!"
"But he is awake," she said pointing at him.
Nobu's head was swinging slowly as he was getting his bearings. "Why didn't you say so?!"
"Why does my head hurt so much?" Nobu said slowly.
"Oh!" Chiko dropped Nobu suddenly, who was not expecting this and collapsed on the ground. "I'm sorry."
"What happened? I think I remember seeing a hairbrush…"
Chiko's face turned red not wanting to admit to hitting him and knocking him out. "Heh, heh…umm a hairbrush?" He hid the brush behind himself not making direct eye contact with him.
"Oh, that was Koh—" Sakura began until Chiko immediately grabbed Sakura putting a hand over her mouth.
"Its nothing. Heh…"
"Huh?" Nobu said looking puzzled. But suddenly the school bell rang in the distance.
"School! We're going to be late!" Chiko rushed off with Sakura dragged behind him in his arms. Sakura waved to them as they disappeared in the dust. Nobu stared a little puzzled by what was going on. The other girls continued on walking to school leaving Nobu alone and still confused.
Chiko was already seated in his chair when Nobu arrived, his face still with a red mark across his eyes were the brush had hit him. Mrs. Shimasuke interrupted what she was saying when she saw him. Chiko drew under his desk a little trying to not get noticed.
"What happened to you?" Mrs. Shimasuke asked.
"Something hit me in the face," Nobu said.
"Something? What hit you?"
"I don't know, I didn't see it too well before it hit me."
"Who would do such a thing?"
"But Kohana and Sakura helped me."
"They did? Where's Kohana, I just saw her?"
Chiko hid under his desk as everyone started to look at him. Sakura was smiling looking as innocent as her forgetful mind was. She looked down at Chiko with a puzzled looked. "What's wrong?"
"Umm, dropped my pencil!" he said showing the pencil that was in his hand.
Chiko was forced up above in it his chair. He sat down trying not to look at anyone directly. Mrs. Shimasuke looked a little confused at Chiko, but continued her talk about what was going to happen today. Nobu sat down in the back and Chiko tried to relax already tired with the day.
'Always Mashiro doing something to embarrass me.'
As Mrs. Shimasuke explained to the class, they would be leaving to play outside in the field where all of the sports activities were taking place. While they were doing that, the teachers would be speaking with the parents about their children's work. Though some of this was because of the hostage that happened and many of the parents were still worried about leaving their children in the school. The principal wanted to reassure the parents that everything was safe. It was not easy to say that though, since the entire incident was never completely explained. Most of them were just happy forgetting about it and moving on rather than trying to dwell on the fact that it happened. This made Chiko happy, since it meant that he was safe for a while with no one asking too many questions that they should not be for their safety.
While the parents were talking the students along with the gym instructors would be keeping them busy with activities. There were plenty of sports that they were offering depending on what everyone wanted to play. Since there were so many students it was divided up to play several sports at once.
Chiko had wanted to decline, but it was mandatory for everyone. He had no way out of it, which had him wondering what he was going to about his own strength. It was not something that he could always control that easily. But he had to deal with what he was being dealt and hopefully make it through the rest of the day without killing anyone.
Chiko rubbed his hairbrush thinking about Nobu. He did not mean to smack him with it and then everything else happened. It was frustrating how quickly Mashiro had ruined his day without even being near him. Chiko squeezed the brush snapping the wood more as he thought about Mashiro.
The time came that they were all led outside after changing into their gym uniforms. The large mob of students that all attended the school was now gathered around on the field outside. The noise from all of them was deafening and Sakura and Chiko were squeezed together trying to get through all of them. It was going to be starting soon and everyone was in a rush to find something to do before things were filled up.
The two of them were left with soccer as most of the other activities were either full for the first hour or not something that he wanted to do. He had played soccer a few times before so it would not be too hard for him, but it was not something that he wanted to play. It was still hard for him to be able to do everything and moving a ball around carefully was not one of them.
"This is going to be so much fun!" Sakura said.
'You always have fun…'
Chiko and Sakura approached the field where they were setting up the soccer game. The nets were being put in place as they were gathering to where everyone else was. The gym instructor was explaining the rules quickly to them to make sure that they understood what they were doing before beginning to play.
The teams were already setup from the sign up list; it put Chiko and Sakura on the same team. They walked to their side of the field when he saw who was on the other team. It was the four girls, Hakuro and her band of beauty queens. Chiko's face turned blue as they were glaring at him with vicious looks that they wanted to kill him. He had thought that they had gotten over it for the most part, but there was the panty thing that was still hanging over her head from the field trip. She had not forgiven the boy, as well as Chiko for what happened that day.
He was stuck unfortunately on the field as the game was about to start. There was nothing that he could do even if he wanted to go running off the field to hide from them. Their glares at him were making him so uncomfortable that he did not even know that the game had started. He was standing in the middle of the field everyone already moving around when suddenly a shadow covered his face.
Chiko barely had enough time to look up to see a soccer ball eclipsing the sun as it smacked him in the face knocking him to the ground. The game stopped as Sakura rushed to him to see if he was all right. Chiko was dazed and his face red from the ball. His mouth was hung open slightly and his eyes were spinning trying to find himself.
"Kohana, are you alright?" Sakura said lifting him up.
Chiko looked at Sakura, "What happened?"
"You got hit by the soccer ball."
"Better keep your eyes open, Kitayama!" Hakuro shouted.
Chiko jerked up seeing Hakuro standing a short distance away sticking her tongue out at him. He glared back at Hakuro who had given her invitation to a war on the field. Chiko stood up not willing to take this anymore. He was tired of running away from this girl, she needed to be put in her place and he was going to show it to her. Chiko stared Hakuro down as everyone paused not certain what was going to happen next.
"No one's challenged Hakuro before," one of the other girls said whispering to each other.
"What you think she will do?" one of the boys said that had joined their conversation.
"They are just staring at each other not moving," another said.
"What about the game?" someone unfortunate said. They all stared at the unfortunate soul, some boy, like they were going to smack him. And someone did, a girl pulled out some paper fan and whack him over the head with it.
"You stupid, this is far more exciting than some soccer game."
The poor boy cowered on the ground, sweating. He did not understand why they were mad at him when the instructor would say the same thing. But he looked through the legs of the students to see Chiko and Hakuro in a standoff, or a stare down. Their anger ignited flames around them wanting to strike at each other. The two were about to go at each other when a very hesitant gym instructor stepped in the middle of the two's view at each other.
"Stop fighting and get back to the game you two," he said.
"Yes, instructor," they said together.
Chiko glared at Hakuro and her back at him, for a second he thought he had heard a hiss of a cat. He turned around looking at his teammates with a fiery passion to play the game that was not there a moment before. All of his teammates were a little shaken back his enthusiasm as it began to scare them. "I'm ready to play some soccer. Are you ready?"
The field was silent for a moment, as none of them knew what to say, when suddenly Sakura jumped up in excitement responding. "I'm ready to have some fun!" Everyone sighed sweating in embarrassment for Sakura, who was completely clueless. Chiko hardly gave it much thought as he was caught up in his own mind.
"Good, lets go get them."
"Yeah!" Sakura said cheering on Chiko, who was still running off his own vengeance, err…excitement for the game. The game was starting over and Chiko was in the front ready to strike…the ball. The two exchanged electric glares at each other before the ball was release from the instructor's hand, who sped off immediately to the sidelines. Everyone but Chiko was a little stunned by this action.
Chiko did not waste anytime kicking the ball as hard as he could at the goal. However, the ball was not heading towards the goal but straight at Hakuro. The ball hit her in the face knocking her to the ground and away several feet.
While no one was surprised they were all still in shock about what happened. Hakuro was laying flat on her back just as dazed as Chiko was a minute ago. Chiko was smirking watching the three girls come to her aid immediately picking her up off the grass. Hakuro glared venomously at Chiko making everyone behind him hide.
"Oops, I thought the way the four of you were gathered together that you were the goal," Chiko said coyly.
Everyone was watching Hakuro not certain what she would do next. They were not sure if it was going to break out into a fight. But Hakuro just stood there, rubbing her cheek that was red. The others were wondering if the instructor was going to be stepping in again. It looked like he was going to, when Hakuro and Chiko glared at him making him shy away, sweating.
Hakuro stared at Chiko saying, "Lets continue the game."
"Yes, lets," he said back to her.
Hakuro kicked the ball back at Chiko face, but he stopped it with his hands. Chiko was standing at the center of the field, so he placed the ball back on the ground to resume the game. He stood back away from it as the others began to cautiously return to the field. No one was certain how the game was going to continue now that they had both hit each other. The only obvious thing was that the game was last thing on their minds.
The instructor blew the whistle letting the game begin again for a third time. Everyone waited, not moving at all wondering what Chiko and Hakuro would do. No one wanted to get in their way if they were going to be sending another kick flying through the air. But neither moved, they stared at each other waiting.
A brave soul kicked the ball starting the game officially and everyone slowly began to play. They were all still extremely cautious as well as careful not pass the ball to either one of them. The game ran smoothly as the instructor was starting be at ease. The students were easing into the game as well until someone made the mistake of passing the ball to Sakura.
Sakura passed the ball to Chiko and several of them froze. The instructor stared, his mouth slightly open mumbling a prayer to himself that nothing would happen. Chiko took the ball down the field with Hakuro quickly on him. The two danced around each other trying to get away and stop the other. Everything seemed civil until Chiko kicked the ball at Hakuro's leg.
This halted Hakuro for a second and Chiko sped around her towards the goal. However, Hakuro was on Chiko immediately and very casually brushed against Chiko with enough force to knock him down. Chiko lost his balance and the ball as Hakuro kicked it away and chased down the ball.
The game went downhill from there, as the ball never saw anyone else's feet besides Chiko and Hakuro. They battled each other around the field for the ball. It was another casual bump from Chiko that made Hakuro slide across the grass staining her clothes. Then accidentally stepping on Chiko's foot that got the ball back for Hakuro. Then things got friendly as the soccer ball hit Chiko in the stomach. Chiko responded by kicking the ball into Hakuro's legs as well as accidentally letting his foot follow through into her thigh. The two chased each other across the field.
The instructor watched, as did most of the students standing from the sidelines. Sakura was the only left on the field, but someone was kind enough pulled her in out of harm's way.
"You going to stop them?" someone asked the instructor.
"Uh, well neither of them…has…um technically broken a rule," he said embarrassed.
The same girl from before pulled out her fan and whacked the boy, the same one from before. "Quit being stupid!"
The solo game continued with Chiko and Hakuro chasing each other for the ball. Though it was quickly becoming a secondary objective as the two were barely fighting for the ball anymore. Hakuro ripped Chiko's sleeve off trying to stop him. She ran off with the ball. Chiko followed after her for the ball and grabbed her shirt ripping the end slightly. Hakuro kicked the ball back at him hitting him in the chest knocking him to the ground. But Chiko did not want her to get away and grabbed the closest thing, which was unfortunate for Hakuro. He had grabbed her leg making her fall on her face.
Hakuro quickly got up and lunged at Chiko. The two tossed around in the grass as the instructor came rushing in to stop them. Chiko kicked the instructor in the shins sending him to the ground in pain. The two rolled around and over the instructor as the students cheered them on. They continued until the instructor had recovered enough from the pain to blow his whistle loud enough that everyone in the entire field stopped. However, Chiko and Hakuro were not fazed by this and continued to roll around.
The instructor grabbed the two of them, but Hakuro took a swing at him. He was fortunately prepared for it and grabbed her leg. Completely frustrated by the two of them, the instructor grabbed them both and wrestled them until he had them pinned down unable to move. The students were a little shocked by the instructor's reaction as well as disappointed that it was over.
"Stop this fighting right now!"
"But the game is not finished," Chiko said.
"Actually it is, it's been an hour already."
They stared at the instructor, who finally let them up. Chiko and Hakuro glared at each other, but the instructor held them apart. "Now go away! Its lunch time."
The two left along with the others as the instructor collapsed on the ground exhausted by the ordeal.
Sakura was smiling. "I had fun playing soccer, I want to play some more after lunch." The entire group fell over completely taken off guard by her statement. "What?" Sakura ran after Chiko as Hakuro rejoined her group and parted ways. "Wow, you must really like soccer, Kohana. You're all dirty!"
"Where's that fan…" Chiko realized though that she was right about his clothes. They were torn and stained green and brown from all of the rolling around in the grass. He was missing a sleeve as well thanks to Hakuro. Chiko walked back to the school to clean up.
The nurse had some spare clothes for him and tended to his cuts and bruises on his body. Chiko walked out with a few bandages and band-aids on him. He saw Hakuro walking towards him glaring at him. As the two passed by, Chiko punched her clear across the hall and through the wall leaving a hole to watch her fly by. Chiko grinned watching her disappear with the girls chasing her down across the hall. Chiko snapped out of his daydream as Sakura on tugged on him. Hakuro walked by to the nurse's office ignoring Chiko.
Mashiro came walking down the stairs looking a little shaken. He barely noticed Chiko walking by as he looked around like someone was following him. But his concentration was broken when he noticed the bandages and rushed down to find out what happened. "What happened to you?"
"I was playing soccer."
"A little rough, aren't we?"
"I'm not in the mood," Chiko said glaring at him as well. Mashiro backed off letting him pass by down the hall. He stared at the two of them, Sakura bouncing around him and Chiko with a dark cloud around him. Mashiro knew that he was going to be hearing about it when he got home.
"Oh, Mr. Takama," Mrs. Shimasuke said in a soft delicate voice.
Mashiro flinched, looking around behind him. "Y-yes…"
"We aren't finished talking."
"O-oh, I think we are," he said backing away. Mrs. Shimasuke leapt off the steps towards him only to smack into the wall as Mashiro shy away from her advance. She pulled herself away not even acting as though it hurt her and approached Mashiro. Mashiro tried to pull away, but Mrs. Shimasuke grabbed him pulling him close to her. "M-Mrs. Shimasuke…"
"Call me Natsuko," she said rubbing her hand across his face.
"I-I think I hear, Kohana calling me." Mashiro tried to pull away from her grasp, but she grabbed him tightly. He reached his arms out watching Chiko walking away down the hall. Mashiro tried to push her arms away from him, but he was lacking any strength. "Help!"
"Playing hard to get."
Mashiro saw an opening and broke free from her grasp darting down the hall. Mrs. Shimasuke was quickly behind him. The two burst past Chiko and Sakura who stood blankly as their hair was blown up in the wind of their wake. Mrs. Shimasuke chased Mashiro around the playground, Mashiro screaming all the way like a little girl. Chiko laughed smiling along with Sakura as they sat on the stairs of the school outside watching the adults.
The scarred man had returned to Tokyo, the night had already fallen when they arrived at the building to meet the Superiors. He was not pleased to be forced away from his assignment, but he could not go against the Superiors. If they called him, he had to answer.
His men followed in behind him through the large hall. Pillars stretched up around the grand hall of the entrance. The marble wall echoed their footsteps as they walked. The room was lit by crystal chandlers hanging from the ceiling illuminating a path. Along the edge of the room the pillars cut the light away leaving shadows crawling up the wall with men hidden. They were the guards, always watching those that entered the building.
He pushed through the door into a less lavish hallway, smaller with paintings quietly lining the path. Red carpet, lined with a simple trim covered the marble floor leaving the hallway silent. At the end of the hall was the only other door in the hall.
Those doors were where he would see the Superiors. It was not common for them to request meetings, but the seriousness of the situation made that exception. The normal procedure was for messengers or envoys to meet directly with those that had business with the Superiors. They rarely spoke with anyone outside of the highest-ranking members.
He might have been one of their elite that handled many of the dirty, important tasks, but that did not mean he was one that was close to the Superior. On the contrary, he had not seen the Superiors until they sent him Osaka directly to handle his errors. The last time he did not meet them on good terms due to his failure. He did not feel that it would be much different this time, but there were new changes that he was uncertain how they would affect them.
He knocked on the door making his presence known to those on the other side. The door opened after a minute and he walked through leaving his men behind at the door. The Superiors sat elevated from the ground level behind a thin curtain. They were five aging men, wrinkled and gray hair. Though old, their minds were still sharp, they were the ones that ran the entire Tokyo underground. They were far more than their appearances could speak.
The scarred man bowed before them as those that escorted him in left him alone with the Superiors. He lifted himself up looking at them waiting to hear what it was that they had to say.
"The situation in Osaka has developed beyond what was originally foreseen," one said.
"We have called you here because of that, to hear from you what is happening in Osaka," the middle one said. He was the one that was considered to be the head of the Superiors. "Speak, what has transpired?"
"As you wish. A syndicate group with the knowledge that we were looking for Chiko Toyozama organized the incident at the elementary school three weeks ago. The group is known as The Black Leaves, a small organization looking to expand their territory. Their plan was to find the man that we were looking for and turn him over to us.
"Working from a piece of information that they had gained, they believed him to be hiding at the school. Their search of the school was covered up by their hostage demands. Their search turned up nothing. My men and I cleaned up the school and left.
"The situation afterwards developed quickly as more rumors of our presence in Osaka spread. The most recent resulted in a fight between two syndicates. There was little information left at the scene, but I did learn that one of the syndicates was believed to be meeting with someone from our organization, which brought the other syndicate."
"Do you know who it is that leaking this information? Your assignment is a secret or have you forgotten the importance of finding him? Do not begin a war in Osaka for your own personal vendetta."
"I understand."
"In the light of the current situation, we believe it is best that our presence however in direct remain as minimal as possible. Until further orders, you are to remain in Tokyo. We cannot have you risk a war in Osaka."
The scarred man ground his teeth together upon hearing this. He was unable to do anything if it was the will of the Superior. It was not his place to protest their wisdom even if he did not agree. He had to follow their order.
"That is all."
His escort returned to take him back to the door. He walked out of the room leaving them alone.
"We can't leave Osaka blind at a time like this."
"However, we need someone with fewer threads leading back to us."
"Yes. There is one that we can use. They have been useful in the past."
"They could be a risk, but I would have to agree."
"I do not like their methods, but it does produce results."
"Agreed then, activate them. They will pick up the assignment."
Preview for the next episode :
"You ready to hear about my story? I know you are all excited to hear about the life of Mashiro. Mashiro the extraordinaire, smooth talker, fast operator, jack-of-all-trades, all around-"
"Perverted ladies man."
"Hey shut up, you don't know me."
"I saw you with Mrs. Shimasuke. Oh, wait, you were running away weren't you? So maybe I should say Scared, Frightened, Closet Pervert- Owie! What you hit me for? Child Abuse!"
"Who's a child? Now be quiet, I was monologuing."
"Just what we need, the villains already monologue enough and now my side kick has to monologue too?"
"Who's a side kick? I'm the one that is rescuing you!"
"Yeah, yeah. The show is still all about me. So there."
"Better watch that mouth of yours. Don't miss the next episode of The Inner Man, Specter."
"Hey, I'm suppose to say that!"
"Don't miss it! I'll be doing the kicking this time."
"Hey, you're stealing all of my lines!"
"That was just scary."