Life's ****ing weird
, 01-24-2015 at 09:57 AM (2597 Views)
Today I was thinking how when I was 16. I was over weight and in a weird spot in life. I was up at 4am watching Eurotrip for the first time on HBO. As I watched it for whatever reason I got inspired to want more from life and to make a change. Over the next maybe 6 or 7 months I lost over 50lbs. I was working out, drinking green tea everyday. And shortly after that I got on here, and met my current girlfriend. So...yeah Eurotrip is responsible for my Aussie trip. Weird but cool how you see little stuff affects you, or can help push you.
Why is life so much more simple in your teens than your 20s? It's probably cause of real life experience and getting beat down over time. It certainly changes everyone whether they like to admit it or not.
Another thing I remember was when I was 15. I thought about how I wanted life to go. The one thing I thought I lacked was the ability to focus on shit I didn't like to get a problem done. And it's true. If I want to do something I'm fantastic at it. I'll obsess over it, read up, practice, think about it and repeat it til I can perfect it. It's how I got good with video games. I'm rough with hunkering down though and don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Right now it's sort of the make or break period in my life for getting to where I want to go. The younger you decide and pursue what you want the better. I regret wasting so much time not doing what I always should have. A lack of good people in your corner can be a detriment to anyone. But I need to get my music path sorted out. For someone who didn't fully commit I'm not bad. As to where I should be by now though? Oof I feel like shit.
Point is if you have something shitty you have to do, but know it's right. Do it and when you finally stop to look around you'll be halfway there.
Now let's get cracking.