-Final Fantasy 4 (PC Version)- My Experience (Day 6)
, 11-11-2014 at 12:57 AM (3051 Views)
Hellooo! Hope today is a good day for you!
Well, let me start by saying that the Toad status ailment is hilarious in the remake. Since everything is 3D now, the frogginess is much more apparent and when you win a battle, your Toaded party members will do a little dance that is just the cutest thing. Here's a picture of Cecil under Toad status. Isn't he darling?
So, I trained up everyone a bunch. Tellah is useful since his magic stats are twice as much as Rydia's. He's much slower though. The battles aren't too tough in the Waterway, but if I don't use Thunder on all enemies right away, their attacks will add up fast. I have Active battles on with the speed up as high as it will go, since if you enter your commands quickly enough, I do believe you will "one-up" the enemy with the turn progression. I'm not 100% sure on that though. On the other hand, if I move too slowly, the enemy will quickly kill me. Luckily, no one has died since Tellah joined the party.
I'm not quite to the Octopus boss yet for two reasons: One, in the remake, there's a minimap now. If you explore each section completely, it rewards you with some items. So far, it's given me some Eye Drops and Antidotes and Tents and such, so it's a nice boost. The only "drawback" is that I encounter many more random battles. That's not a problem though, since I love to power-level.
Two, when Rydia learned Pig, I wanted to see if the Pig status would be as funny as Toad. Not quite, but still humorous. I can't find a picture of it anywhere, sadly. Anyway, when I was casting Pig to check it out, Rydia ran out of MP! A silly mistake and Tellah was also very low MP so I used an Emergency Exit to take me out of the cave. I'll have to run back through and get to the boss tomorrow. I'll also grind just a bit more to make sure I can take down the boss.
Well, that's all for now! Wish me luck and I'll see you tomorrow! Have a great day!