-Final Fantasy 4 (PC Version)- My Experience (Day 5)
, 11-09-2014 at 10:29 PM (1433 Views)
Hello again! Hope life is good!
So, I leveled Cecil and Rydia up a bit before getting Tellah. And let me tell you, he looks intense!In a good way, of course. He looks magely and powerful. Here's a picture of him in the remake. I like having him as the party leader. Recall is a really fun ability, but it seems to yield "Could not recall any spells!" more than not. So, instead of setting Recall as his Auto-Battle ability, I equipped him with a Rod and set that to Auto-Battle.
You see, like in the original, you can "use" equipped items and they let you use an ability for free. I remember in the original Kain's Holy Lance let him use Holy. It wasn't very powerful, but he could do it!The Rod weapon's ability is Mage Arrows, which is only a single-target spell, but deals considerable damage. It's a great alternative to using the standard Attack command for Mages.
I don't remember if Tellah has Meteo when you first meet him in the original, but he does have it later on, when he joins again at Mt. Ordeals. He needs 99 MP to cast it, but no matter how much you level him, he never gains more HP. In fact, some of his other stats go down after he levels a few times! However, in the remake, he doesn't have Meteo at all when you first meet him, but maybe that's how it was in the original too, I don't remember.
When I was younger, I tried to level him up a bunch to see if it would let me cast Meteo, but alas, he never gained any more MP. I thought it was cool in FFIX when Garnet could use her summons if you leveled her a bunch before she actually "unlocked" them in the storyline. That's not the case here, and it looks like Tellah won't have Meteo at all except in his final scene. That's gonna be a rough one, sniff.
Anyway, I'm going to level up the party a bit more before I head to the boss octopus at the end of the cave. I'm looking forward to seeing how the remake will do the scene at Damcyan. It's emotional, but it's good. Wonder if the "spoony bard" line will still be in. Let's hope! haha.
Well, as always, wish me luck, and I'll see you tomorrow! Have a great day!