-Final Fantasy 4 (PC Version)- My Experience (Day 2)
, 11-05-2014 at 09:05 PM (963 Views)
Hey everyone!
So, I spent almost all my playtime grinding out the levels I wanted. Since I didn't go any farther in the game, I'll talk a bit about how the remake is different from the original.
First, like I said yesterday, the voice acting is great. If you don't know who Yuri Lowenthal is, please check out his IMDB page here. He has contributed his talent to many video games and anime, and he is Cecil's voice actor and he's quite good. Cecil is in good hands, haha.
The characters feel a bit more alive to me with voice acting and it adds an extra level of emotion. It makes me really listen in to a story I may have already been told four or five times (I've played the original FF4 quite a bit), and I'm excited about that. This is a close as I will get to reliving the old days.
The intro scene with the Red Wings is fantastic. I have a better understanding of Cecil's misgivings with what happened at Mysidia. It also makes me feel more for his soldiers as well as the innocence of the Mages that were killed. They didn't even try to fight back, the poor dears!
The scene where Rosa visits Cecil the night before he leaves does a much better job at communicating her love for him. The remade version of The Theme of Love (which you can listen to here) tugs at my heartstrings and brings back so many memories.
Also, the scene where Cecil and Kain leave Baron gave me chills like never before. I said to myself, "And the adventure begins again!"
Now, I'm not saying that the remake is superior, I haven't played enough yet to say that, of course.But, I have a stronger sense of story and character already just from the opening than I ever had with my playthroughs on the original. You can't really beat the classic; I mean, there's just something about the original FF4. It really draws you in and never really lets you go. But, the remake is great at communicating the same things, just a bit better, I would say. That's subject to change of course as my playthrough goes on!
The remake's battle system is different than the original, but still has the same spirit. Kain still has Jump! I've always liked the Cast from Hit Points mechanic in games and Cecil can put a buff on himself now called Darkness that makes all his attacks more powerful, but they drain a percentage of his HP. I like this better than the D. Wave attack from the original, since I always felt like the latter was a bit overpowered.
Well, I think that's all I have to say for today. I will be heading to fight the Mist Dragon and then on to Kaipo. Wish me luck!
Have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow!