You're Awesome.
, 05-26-2013 at 12:52 PM (704 Views)
So last night, Jay not only ate -a lot- of leftover turkey chili, but he also went through: an entire (large) bag of hot wings, plus the smaller box of TGI Fridays brand of wings, then the bag of Chinese Dumplings I'd bought and then more turkey chili.
He said something about me cooking too much and I had to sit him down and patiently explain to him that
1.) Cooking for just 2 people has never been in my vocabulary - even when I lived alone. And technically speaking, when I lived with my ex's family in Avondale/Cashion, I got used to cooking for up to 15 people.
2.) Between him and my ex, cooking for just 2 is -still- impossible 'cuz they both eat so much. I don't eat as much as a regular person - I snack around all day. I snack on what I'm cooking - tasting it every so often to figure out what it needs, etc. By the time it's ready, I'm barely hungry. But He eats enough for 3 people easily.
And because we've been kind of lazy since I cooked Friday night, the mess in the kitchen has just piled up. We're out of Clorox Wipes & paper towels, so I couldn't wipe down the counters. It got to the point where I refused to set foot in there, cuz the sight of it made me want to throw things. I can't stand for the kitchen to be dirty.
So Jay was like "I'll clean it up in the morning and fix you breakfast. It's ok."
(His mom told him he needs to cook for me more since I'm always cooking for -him-. lmao She loves me. It's pretty sweet.)
But anyway, it was really sweet. I should be the one up and cleaning, but he knows I've been having more pain than usual in my back and it's spread to my hip bones over the last few days and it hurt. Which isn't much of an excuse considering what -he- does throughout the week and this is his last 4 day weekend for God knows how long. He's in the kitchen now cleaning...
I should probably tell him not to bother with cooking eggs. I think they're bad already. And I don't wanna die.
Annnnnd my Ex keeps texting me. He's like "When can I come see you?" and I'm like "Never." and he's like "You don't miss me?" and I'm like "Not anymore."
I don't get him. He's so stupid. Like, he thinks he's all slick playing these games and stuff with me, but it doesn't work. It never has. It only irritates me and pisses me off and makes me want to throw things... Or punch a wall.
But when I ask him like, -why- he keeps texting me all this dumb shit, he's like "I think I miss you. I wanna see you. You're different now" and I'm like "N*gga please. I'm no different than I've ever been. I'm the same "bich" you've always known. OH you meant 'cuz I lost 30 lbs. -That-'s what it is. Yeah. Ok."
He said something about wanting to go to Buffalo Wild Wings with Jay & me, and I told him that'd never happen 'cuz Jay would probably murder him and I can't control what he does.
We texted back and forth a little while longer, and I finally just told him to leave me alone. I can't deal with his bullshit anymore. I've never been one to play those kinds of games 'cuz I'm -not- in high school anymore and he knows that.
But anywho. I'm in the process of installing the 01394810923 brushes, gradients, textures, actions, and patterns I downloaded last night. Yay... *eye roll* ... It's taking forever.