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Small Girl, Big Life

YAY! Screw All of You!

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.... My family, of course.

My mom told me the other day that she was in Nashville on her way to our hometown to go get some shit out of the garage... She stayed with my sister for 2 nights and didn't call or text to tell me.

WTF kind of bullshit is that?

I'm not gonna drag it out or get into too much detail, but Jay & I could've met her & my sister for dinner, I could've gone -with- my mom to help her get stuff and clean.. But no.

So. I'm done. I'm through with all of these assholes. I'll stay in contact with my sister 'cuz of my kid, but that's it. I'm tired of being the only one that's consistently there and then being put on the back burner. I will not call my mom anymore. And I will not answer the phone if for whatever reason she chooses to call me. They can all go f*ck themselves. I'm done caring.

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  1. LocoColt04's Avatar
    With a title like that, you never know what kind of responses you'll illicit.

    Furthermore... family is family but sometimes you need to take a break. Don't cut all ties, but it's probably not awful to step away for a while.