Feliz Dia de Madres!
, 05-10-2013 at 10:41 AM (693 Views)
Jup. May 10th is Mexican Mother's Day.
I just claim & celebrate both since Parker's 1/2 Mexican. I make sure to incorporate shit like that into her life since she's so white-washed with my sister.
What's sad is that my sister knows way more Spanish than -I- do, probably, in spite of her terrible accent (& it's actually proper whereas I speak how the majority of them actually speak - proper or slang as it may be), yet she won't be bothered to speak Spanish to her or try to teach her any like I do.
I know they learn -some- in her school, but that's Pre-K. She probably won't start learning again until High School, unless they've started teaching it in middle school grades (5th or 6th - 8th grade around here).
But yes, I do try to speak Spanish to my little girl, even though more often than not, I wind up speaking Spanish to her when I mean business and she's about to be in trouble (which is bad, I know), but she understands almost everything I say to her. She has trouble speaking it, but she understands, so, that's good. For now.
and I let her listen to Spanish music (oddly enough, she actually likes watching Sailor Moon in Japanese. She's so weird.), she helps me make rice and homemade tortillas (when I'm feeling up to -that- task), and I try to get her to try different Mexican foods that she's never had.
And I'm planning on giving her both a Quinceanera -and- a Sweet 16, both. Just because.
I don't feel good. More later.